
What alternative remedies combat congestion and sinus problems?

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What alternative remedies combat congestion and sinus problems?




  1. I use this to cure sinus infections. THere are many kinds of bacteria that live in the sinuses, and this gets rid of all the bad ones!.This is the only thing that really helped me --- my Dr. told me about a sinus wash that will kill bacteria.

    you need

    distilled water

    sea salt

    liquid chlorophyll and colloidal silver from the health food store.

    in a glass mix 1/4 cup water with a pinch of salt and heat to body temperature.

    add 5 drops each silver and chlorophyll and mix.

    using a large dropper (like one used for infant medication) drop 2 full droppersfull into one side of the nose while laying down.

    Turn the head and let it drain out the other nostril. Be sure to have paper towels handy.

    The silver kills the bacteria and there are several hundred kind that can live in the sinus cavities and anti biotics don't get rid of them all.

    Do this twice a day for a week, mixing up the mixture fresh each time.

    Then do it once a week for maintenance.

    There is nothing in this that will hurt you, and it cured me.

    I do not have to take claritin, or antibiotics anymore.

    best wishes

  2. The key to helping with sinus congestion is to loosen the mucus so it can drain or you can blow it out.  You can try a hot, steamy shower; or cover your head with a towel and waft in the steam from off a pot of boiling water.  It sometimes helps to apply moist heat to the front of the face, over the painful sinuses.  There are also some old fashioned remedies that can help as well- things like Vicks vapor rub, or my personal favorite- Olbas Oil.  That is usually available in health food shops or you can get it over the internet.  Olbas makes several related products, all will offer some relief.  Some folks like to use a neti pot and salt water- I never had much luck snorting liquid, but you can try that.  A humidifier or vaporizor adding water to the air you breath is also helpful, as is a slightly cooler room temperature, especially while you are sleeping.  And try sleeping propped up slightly, so things drain downwards.  Finally, sometimes sinus problems are related to things like dust and mold spores in the air.  They make allergen sprays for fabrics and furniture, and cleaning rugs with an allergen reducing soap is also a good thing to do.  It's also worth checking the filters on the furnace to see if it's time to replace that, or consider a HEPA filter for the furnace.  Also check the vaccuum cleaner, and replace filters there if it uses them, clean any that are meant to be cleaned, and keep the bags replaced regularly.  Vaccuums don't just pick up dust particles, they can also blow things around- especially mold spores.  If your home is usually closed up tight, it's also worth it to open the windows regularly just to get some fresh air into the place.  Good housecleaning can do a lot to remove allergen aggrivators that spur on respiratory problems of all sorts.  Check the bathroom, and use a bleach type cleaning product in there to keep things in that room in check.  If you can eliminate or at least limit the aggrivating things, you often can get relief from frequent sinus troubles.   And try to deal with congestion as soon as you realize it's starting.  The sooner you try to drain things, the easier it goes and more likely you are to be able to avoid an infection that will require antibiotics.  

  3. Simple, but true.... drink more water to loosen congestion & mucus.

    Also, avoid milk -it causes congestion.

  4. Soup recipe to combat sinus

    Few leaves of spinach

    Small piece of turnips cut in small pieces

    Small piece of carrot cut in small pieces

    Green leaves of coriander

    Small piece of ground ginger

    Boil the mixture in a glass of water

    Add a pinch of ground cummin seed, salt ad little lime juice to taste

    You can also delete carrot or turnip if you like

    This soup will strenghten yourdigestive tract and excretory organ

    If you want to know more alternative sinus treatment  visit

  5. Ok, first of all this is going to sound really weird, but I promise it works. I'm not sure where you're from, but check at your local Walgreens or pharmacy and see if they have a "Neti pot". It looks kind of like a mini tea kettle. It comes with these little packets that you mix with warm water. what you do, is you mix it together and pour it in through 1 nostril. It will come out of the other side. You repeat this on the other side until the neti pot is empty. It reccomends that you do this twice a day but I think it's a bit much. I've only tried it once, but my boyfriend does it twice a day and says that it makes him feel soooo much better. I know all this probably sounds really funny. I know that you can youtube it to see what I mean. Hope you can try it and it helps!

  6. In addition to the good advice above, if this is an allergy problem then take fenugreek, garlic, horseradish and vitamin C.

    Fenugreek is one of the key herbs for hay fever. The others help boost the immune system and fight infection.

    There are products on the market that have combos of these ingredients because they are so effective. But if you can't find a product it's easy to make a tea out of fenugreek seeds.

    I had a serious sinus infection a few years ago with orange snot (sorry gross). It was painful from my cheekbones up to my forehead. One of the things that started to really shift the infection was a drop of cayenne extract up my nose. It hurt for a few seconds but then the pain went away and my nose started to run. Such a relief. I did this a few times along with other immune boosting herbs taken internally.

    If you don't have liquid cayenne extract and are brave enough to try, just mix some powder into cooled boiled water. Try with just one drop to start with to see how you handle it. Honestly, it's very relieving and not dangerous. Cayenne is fact it has anti-inflammatory properties, is antibacterial and relieves pain after an initial pain burst.

  7. I agree completely with the lady above! I know an opera singer and voice over artist who both swear by netti pots.

  8. How's a mermaid gonna do a neti pot?

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