
What alternatives are available for those who believe special education labels have negative connotations?

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Labeling exceptional individuals (such as disabled or handicapped) believe that it has a far more negative connotation for them than on its positive side.




  1. Labels do not have a negative connotation.  They specify the needs of the children being labelled, enabling them to get the help they need.  

    Those who view labelling as negative should look at the purpose of said labelling.  If the impact is negative, they are probably right, but if the child gets the appropriate help for his disability, then they are wrong.

    DrlG:  They already change the terminology every 5-6 years... As soon as the current one is perceived as negative!

  2. Change the terminology every few years. That should mess the critics up.

  3. The only thing those people can do is change their attitude.

  4. I don't believe that labelling children that have a disability of any sort has a negative effect. For most people the label or diagnosis is just a marker that they are different and helps us recognise exactly what that difference is without having to constantly ask "what is wrong with them". Only because people lack the knowledge of what some of these conditions are do people tend to think of it as negative labelling. If you are disabled in some way you should be proud of who you are and not what others think of you.

  5. labeling is bad, I teach special ed students in my inclusion class. Everytime there is a test/quiz, some of special ed students would request help, I guide them to solution by questioning, sometimes, i have to give them formula. But other kids notice that, so obviosuly they want same treatment. I tell my students that you get what you need, not what you desire. some students need a little more help than others. you know word "special education" would not carry that negative connotation, if it was not for some special ed teachers who go beyond IEP requirements. I have had a special ed teacher who was going to put in child's IEP that kid needed to have mp3 player on, because it helped child focus. the kid was simply lazy and would have made a zero difference. but this special ed teacher just wanted to make special cases. that's what give other teachers this negative connotation against special ed.

  6. You could look into a 504 plan.  That is kind of like an IEP, but it is up to the student to ask for accommodations, instead of a case manager making sure they happen.  Check out my source for a good description of the difference between a 504 and an IEP

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