
What always bothers u?

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What always bothers u?




  1. my brother...

  2. Well, I think you are serious about your question so I will give a partial answer, which is what you're asking for right?  A partial, subjective rant.  Ok, well, don't be offended, please, sir.  But what always bothers me is - 'u'.  I'm bothered by the modern day usage of that letter in place of 'you'.  Soon, we all won't know the difference and doublespeak will be in full effect!  If you don't know what doublespeak is it's because it's not taught in schools anymore.  Go read George Orwell, or Ray Bradbury and find out how to be confident in your writing and expression of the 'u' that you R.  Hehe.

  3. Ignorant people.

  4. When people walk into another room and then start talking to you......I HATE that.

  5. Child prostitution

  6. Parents with poor parenting skills.

  7. A guy who looks at me like I'm naked.

  8. Nothing. Everything has a resolution. And a 'bother' is just something whihc has not been resolved. Either within yourself, or the situation. Comme ca?

  9. lol, a guy who looks at me like i'm naked.

  10. The people who persist in asking stupid questions which deserve even more stupid answers, not you of course.

  11. the stupid repeated questions on here.
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