
What am I? - Sad, Silly or just Sentimental?

by  |  earlier

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Of all the things I have in thew world,

And all the things I've had.

Of all the things I could ask from the world,

All I want is my Dad.

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Dad died in February, and I still am no nearer getting over losing him.




  1. I was 11 yrs. old when my Dad died. It was the most painful thing I have ever faced. I felt I'd NEVER get over it. He will be gone for 36 yrs.

    on Sunday, August 3rd 2008.

    I still miss him and I always will.

    But, BELIEVE ME when I tell you:

    " It will get easier."

    Time helps us to heal, to accept, to go on.

    Just keep him in your heart and always remember the special times you shared with him.

    Try to live happily, in his honor.

    Give yourself time to grieve. Don't expect an overnight cure for your loss. Be Patient and hang on.

    Get help from a professional if you need to.

    Do Not suffer alone.

    Share your feelings with others and remember that you are not alone.

    Bless you sweetheart, and please accept mt deepest sympathy.

  2. u never gt over sad?

  3. daddy are everthing to us. its normal to miss him. you never get rid of the pain. but trust me he watching over you.

  4. I'm sorry for your loss... the healing process is long and slow sometimes. No, your not silly, your human and feeling the grieving process...Your dad lives in your head and in your heart.... Bless you...

  5. sad...sorry for your loss, I hope you feel better soon.

  6. i understand what you are going through i lost my brother, we was so close life hasn't been the same since.I'm sorry to hear what as happened i guess he would want you to be happy, think of all the good memories you have had together, he is always looking down on you supporting you, wishing the best for you, we all lose someone really close to us which totally sucks but that's part of life, the rest of your family and friends are always there for you xx    

  7. You are none of those things, you just miss your dad which is understandable, I'm so sorry for your loss.

    I know everyone says it gets better in time but I don't think it does you just learn to deal with it.

    I hope that you are okay..

  8. It takes some time dear....You will always long for your dad, but with time things will get better.

  9. nothing wrong with that

  10. my dad died 21 years ago,and i still think about him a lot, but i believe that if someone is thought of and their name spoken, then they're not really dead...<^><...

  11. You are grieving so it is natural to be sad you are not silly and there is nothing wrong with being sentimental.

    My mother died 25 years ago and I still miss her but I also now look back on all the happy memories that I treasure and feel she is never far away.

    I hope that soon the pain eases and you too can look back on the good times you shared and find happiness and comfort in them.

    All the best !!!!

  12. Hi, a very sad loss and a very recent loss... our fast moving society puts pressure on us to move on quickly, unfortunately grief doesn't always cooperate. Each of us grieves differently and there is nothing silly about it. I know it's a cliche, but it's  a cliche for a good reason, time is usually the best healer. If you feel ready, your G.P. surgery will probably have a counselling service they can offer. There is usually  a waiting list of several weeks but if you book and don't feel ready nearer the time you can often cancel and ask to be put on the list again at later date. You are very courageous for reaching out, keep going, thinking of you, Clare.

  13. You will never truly get over this. You Dad was a part of you and every time anybody looses a loved one, you lose a part of yourself. The only way you truly get over death, is when you learn to live with it. I'm sorry about your dad. I wish I could tell you something to help you more. But take it easy and just remember the good times.

  14. Your sad. Do you have a Mom? Im sooo sorry about your Dad. Just rest and have a cup of tea.  


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  15. im sorry for your loss. i think your sad

  16. Of course not. You are feeling sad and sentimental. It's nothing bad. All part of the grieving process. I'm really sorry about your dad.

  17. I lost my mum 10 years ago and i think of her every day and i mean ever day its very hard  

  18.   I  really feel your pain.  

    I wish I had my dad too.

    I lost him more than 3 years ago.

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