
What am I doing here?I left home this morning at 4.30 to go to work at Canterbury in April 1706. Help?

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Why has everything changed? Why is everybody dressed funny?




  1. youve lost the plot

  2. But u knew how to log on and sign into Yahoo!! lol

  3. Bloody public transport!!

  4. The voices in your head are too loud today.

  5. Wakey wakey it's only a bad dream!

  6. LΟL

    aliens kidnapped you and brought you here in the future,,stay calm and breath deeply,we won't harm you , promise

  7. Ha ha - do you have breeches?????? Lol

  8. This isn't reality what made you think it was?

  9. And just happen to know what a computer was and how to use it. Yeah right.

  10. You are typing from home.

    No, I can't help.

    Change is the only constant.

    Everybody is dressed funny so you can get your day off to a merry start with a chuckle or three.

  11. I am amazed at how quickly you have learnt to use the computer! Well Done and welcome to 2008!

  12. you should visit pizza hut online for breakfast- wil come straight to ur door

  13. I have a really bad ear ache.

  14. It those english trains,they never are on time.

  15. you must have gone through one of them vortexes sorry

  16. Those damned trains are ALWAYS late, aren't they !

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