
What am I doing wrong with my HD Converter Box?

by  |  earlier

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I just bought a brand new HD Converter box. I connected it properly & turned it on. I am able to make out the set-up menu but I can't read anything on the screen worth a d@mn. My screen is black and white and seriously shaky I have a regular I guess indoor antennae hooked up to it.

Any helpful suggestions???




  1. IT SOUNDS like you may be OFF CHANNEL or.....

    Off channel?  Set the TV to either channel 3 or channel 4 only...

    Now, if you have it connected to a set of VIDEO input jacks on the back of your TV set....You have a bad cable or the jack on the TV or converter box is cracked and lost it's ground...

    Did you use a set of those crappy MONSTER cables with the crappy Kung-fu grip of destruction?

    Those things should be outlawed, because they destroy the connections and you pay more to get it fixed than not using them at all......

    But I REALLY THINK you may have a bad get it exchanged from where you bought it....

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