
What am I going to do?

by Guest21533  |  earlier

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My thirteen daughter is a really nice kid but, yesterday I caught her Masturbating in front of the window while our sixteen year old neighbour, Kyle, was watching and she doesn't know I saw and I'm so confused like what do i do?




  1. well it actually sounds like she knew he was there coz y else do it in front of the window!

  2. Talk to her about it, if you dont she will probably do it again

  3. One thing you may do is to talk it over with Kyle's folks.  You may want to confront them both together with Kyle's folks.  However I would let it be and talk with her about the birds and the bees.

    Explain to her the rules of the journey w/out admitting you saw her.

    You know that she is your child and you may want to get some parenting skill classes on the subject too if you are shy.

    You may contact the red cross in your county and they have some human sexuality classes perhaps to assist you and her to go to together.  

    Ultimately it is your decision


  4. I think the best thing you can do is discuss a few things with her HONESTLY

    Tell her that what she is doing is OK and NATURAL, but it should only be saved for herself, and 'special others'. She needs to know that what she is doing can cause a lot of problems down the track as guys have a habit of treating overtly sexual young girls as objects and give terrible names, and she doesnt want that does she?

    What about if this boy, Kyle was to tell his friends about it and they wanted to look? What about if this info got around to her friends at school? I am sure if you pose these questions to your daughter, she will come to her own realisations if she is a good kid.

    The most important thing is to make sure she doesnt feel dirty for masturbating, or that masturbating is wrong, or this could scar her in the future.  

  5. Definitely talk to her!!!  It will be awkward, but you don't want her to accidentally get pregnant before she is in high school!

  6. you need to talk to her about it, as awkward as it will be.  tell her thats a no no

  7. Holy c**p Mom. That's an embarrassing problem. If you don't do something NOW I predict it will just be a matter of time before Kyle is invited over to your house for a FREE SHOW. After that it's just a matter of time before she's having s*x with this jerk. Masturbation is quite normal at this age....but the whole exhibitionist thing worries ME....and it should worry you too. I'm thinking that there are some "underlying or unresolved psychological problems" going on here. Ask her why she feels such poor self esteem that she has to act out sexual fantasies to make herself happy or worthwhile????
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