
What am I going to do with two cars and nowhere to drive them??

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I live on a college campus where everything i need is on campus. Besides that... In May I was given a 1992 Chevy Lumina that runs fine. I drove it to the grocery store and around town. Now my parents have gotten divorced and my mother got everything. She is selling the house.The1989 mazda rx7 convertible she gave to me. What am I going to do with 2 cars?? I barely drive anywhere as it is. I only have one parking pass and I can't purchase another one at my apartment. Campus parking is off limits 2am to 6 am.

I know that one day having two cars will help me but what am I going to do now. Storage is $150 per month.




  1. I'd sell the Lumina and have some fun with the RX7.  

  2. Do not let them get together or you will have three. Sell one  

  3. just a question, but if you are willing, how much would you sell the rx7 for and where abouts do you live?

  4. Donate a car.

    You'll get a tax break plus help a deserving citizen or organization.

  5. Do you have any Relatives that you can Park the Cars in a drive way and cover them up and keep em' there?

    keep the 1992 Chevy Lumina

  6. Sell both of them for now and save the storage fee and the money that you make from the sale, invest it for now, then later buy something that you really need......

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