
What am I liable for if I get a driver license for my 16 year old nephew?

by  |  earlier

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My nephew needs to get a driver license, but a parent or legal guardian needs to sign for them. His parents don't have a license. Well, let's assume he gets his license after I sponsor him. He drives somebody else's car with insurance. If he gets into an accident, would I get in any trouble? My sister insists that I help my nephew since she doesn't drive. She said she would be responsible ($$$) for anything that might happen. What should I do? What if my nephew does something really stupid? Will the cops go to my door?




  1. You shouldnt be liable. Your sister could sue you but I doubt that would happen.

    Check out my questions.;...

  2. Your sister is the one that should sign if she's the mother of the child.

    You have no power in the matter, you cannot sign unless you have adopted him off your sister which seems unlikely that you did.

    You are basically NOT the one responsible for him so you cannot vouch for him since you cannot take the fall for him.

  3. parents are always liable for anything their children do unless they are in direct contact with an of-age person during the event in question, in which the of-age person will take the fall and the kids will get off scott-free.

  4. You're neither a parent nor a legal guardian. You're not "sponsoring." You're giving parental permission. And, since you're not a parent, you likely can't sign.  

  5. Your sister doesn't have to drive to be responsible for her son.  She's just signing that she's his parent and approves of his getting a license.

    Unless she signs over physical and legal custody to you, his parents are still responsible for his actions (along with himself).

  6. You won't be able to sign unless you are a legal guardian of your nephew. Your sister still should be able to sign even though she herself doesn't have a license. Call your DMV to confirm.

  7. you are supposed to collect as much as resource as you can by searching the relevant keyword in search engine,if you have good luck there,then your problem solved.however,if you could not find the fitful answer by doing that,here is the resource i prefered.

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