
What am I losing weight?

by Guest33457  |  earlier

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Recently, I started eating a lot and being thirsty constantly. I am always craving soda, which is a way to gain weight fast. I went on the scale and dropped 13 pounds in 3 weeks. I didn't even know that was possible. What's wrong with me?




  1. you need to see a doctor. could be a sign of a serious illness, or a thyroid problem.

  2. You should see a doctor, these are signs of diabetes

  3. i agree. that's not normal so you should see your Doctor ASAP. he/she will know what you need. But it might just be that the change in your diet is causing your body to go wacko. Usually people just get rashes and stuff like that but you could be an acceptation.

  4. I have learned a great deal about diabetes as I have a loved one who suffers. It sounds as if you may be in ketosis. That means that your body is basically not using the food that you put in. It is very dangerous and you may get dizzy or worse loose consciousness. If you are a diabetic, you need to a see your doctor.

    Diabetes is a very dangerous and diabolical disease.

    I pray that you feel better.

    Here is one website to check. Still see a doctor.

  5. Go to a doctor gurl.  

  6. You need to go to the doctor's ASAP. Rapid weight loss is not something you want to leave up to us people on Yahoo Answers.  

  7. You COULD have diabetes (and I guess that's what you wanted to hear, seeing as how you posted the question the the diabetes forum).

    But diabetes canNOT be diagnosed through symptoms alone.  You need a very simple blood test from the doctor.

    This test is called A1C.  Have your doctor perform this test, and then he can advise you from there.  You may be OK, or you may need another test.

    But the A1C is quick, easy, and painless -- so do that one first.

  8. well you should recommend a doctor in this situation

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