
What am I missing in life?

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Lately, I just feel like I'm supposed to be doing something that I'm not. I'm only 16. But still, I just feel like theres SOMETHING I'm supposed to be doing and I have no idea what it is.

It's something that will make me feel whole. I think. I don't even know, man. It's really confusing.

Just let me know if anyone has any ideas about whats wrong with me or if you are having the same experience.




  1. Nature is telling you to procreate. Just like it's (successfully) told every single one of your direct ancestors since time immemorial.

  2. try doing something that gets you so involved you forget yourself.

    like for me its coaching.......i go and the next time i look at the clock its hours later and i didn't even feel time go by...

    or dancing, it happens to me when i go dancing...

    do something that makes you forget about yourself for awhile.

  3. go out and help everything

    be a tree hugger

    make food for the poor

    help baby animals

    write to congress men

    write a bookl

    do anything to help

    u feel like u hav to do sumthin but u dont kno wat cuz everythin every1 else is doin seems unimportant to u

  4. seek and ye shall find.

    you will know when you find what you are seeking.

    here's a guess....what's the reason for living?

  5. You need to find your center.  You are out of balance and that's why you do not feel whole.  You may consider it cliche', but you do need the Lord.

  6. Follow your heart and passion and whatever your "something" is, you will find it and be happy.  I doubted mine and that feeling is gone and I have been trying to get it back for 6 years now.  Don't doubt yourself, your passion, and your knows your calling, let it lead you.

  7. You're 16. I'm 56 (but don't stop reading this just yet).

    Neither of us has any idea what we are "supposed" to be if you look at things from the persective of what will happen in the future.

    I'm trying to figure out what I am at the moment which really IS what I am supposed to be.

    One thing I DO know that you might not, yet . . . . is that life gets better if you want it to.

    good luck.

  8. find yourself, find someone to love, look for experiences that you havnt tried. and take advantage of travel opportunities, its best to do all of your traveling while your young

  9. you need some friends for enjoy your life

    or you need a love who cares you

    and keep you happy

    best of luck!!

    keep smiling:))))))

  10. I would say that you are thinking too much and not living as much.

    Make a plan and go for it. If the plan changes, then change it.

    Over thinking means....

    Over analysis means paralysis

  11. As others have said, we all feel this way at times.  I tried to fill my time so I couldnt feel that anymore, I go to college full time and have 1 fulltime job and one part time job...None of it helped.  The only time I dont feel that way is when I am on a boat, working.  So thats what I need to do, but I need to find one that pays enough to live.

  12. well i dont relly know your lifestyle or anything but hmm.. maybe you need to go out and party? boyfriend/girlfriend, go on dates,experiement with new things and stuff? idkk those were just suggestions , hopefully helped or gave u sum kinda idea


  13. I'm not sure what to say to you..

    But I think i know how you're feeling. Isn't it  like that you know  you are blessed with everythig but still think that nothing is making you feel full of yourself ??

    If you're talking about that, sometimes i get that feeling too. I don't know about you, but whenever i feel like that I just turn to God with all my heart and honestly pray because I know for sure that only God holds the answers to everything...

    Good Luck

  14. Something in the future might be "calling" you. This feelings will perhaps "guide" you to your destination.

    I had similar experiences when I was 16 and when I was 20 I found out what it was. Something which shaped my life enormously over the years to come and profoundly enriched my soul.

    What it is for you, nobody can know or even tell you, but I am sure that you will be guided to it. Just be ready, listen to the hunches and follow where it guides you to.

  15. You have the urge to know yourself and to get beyond what you know, which you find incomplete. Only self knowledge is the complete knowledge.

  16. You're 16, at the age where you are finding out what you capable of, interested in and where your future might be heading.  All perfectly normal.  The only thing that is missing is that you haven't found the answer yet.  Give it time.  You are getting there.

  17. We all go through it.  It's call boredom.  Just try new things that interest you.  Keep busy.

  18. You're going through the same thing I am....the inherent fear that "Oh-my-god-I-should-be-doing-this-but-I-... thing. It's like your mind is telling you that you're bypassing your destiny but not telling you what it is.

    Unfortunately, it's nothing in particular. It's just your conscience telling you to get your life together and start doing something.

  19. I honestly feel it is your age. GO TO COLLEGE! Try many things, meet many people. You will find yourself. Don't adhere yourself to any conformity or what others think you ought to do (although ironic I am telling you what you ought to do, haha) just experience what this fine world has to offer and you will find yourself.

  20. i feel the same way spmetimes like there is this big piece of me gone and missing. i dont know what it is...

  21. Let me know if you ever find out, Robert. I've felt like that all my life, and I'm 72. Incidentally, Jesus is only an excuse for not doing anything. Ignore it.

  22. Your ego is trying to devolop more. There is nothing wrong with you now you just have to decide if you want to listen to the small voice inside you, you know the one when you want to do something thats wrong and its telling you not to but you push it aside. Decide if you want your ego or your true self.

  23. You need Jesus like a fish needs a bicycle, to paraphrase an old feminist slogan.

    Nothing is wrong with you other than your painfully obvious ignorance.  Broaden your reading to include science, mathematics, and philosophy.  Don't expect to reach any astounding conclusions.  Just get moving with your education.

  24. I get that feeling too and I'm the same age.

    I think maybe you should start volunteering.  Doing something to help people and, in a small way, to make the world a better place.

    I have a job and its not exactly fulfilling.  Every time I've done any kind of volunteer work though I've felt good about it and I'd be doing that still if I had the time but I don't  :(

  25. I've been having the same problem too, but that's only because my summer's been a bum so far, I didn't get to go anywhere for vacation...

    You can always do sports, hang out with friends, go volunteer when you have time, do something you love.

    Maybe this is only boredom. Once you're occupied or devoted to doing something, you won't feel like you're missing something in life. After all, life's in progression.


  27. dude im 15 and i feel the exact same way.  im wondering what the h**l it is too. maybe you need a gf if you dont already have one.

  28. Maybe that feeling will go away once you get back in school. Also when you do go back. See your school counslor, then start planning your future,What your going to do after high school, maybe even some college courses you can start taking if you have only a few classes to go to your senior year.

  29. Maybe your just bored, and you want an adventure of some sort, to feel proud of whatever you accomplish.

  30. I know the feeling, man.  I'm 15, and I feel the same way.  I keep changing myself ans my life to try to fill it, but so far I've been unsuccesful.  something that I'm going to try next is volunteering at a sort of retirement home.  I need to become more outgoing anyway, so I may be killing 2 birds with one stone here. :]

  31. Very human experience brother. When we try to live through the perceptions others have of us or that we imagine they have of us, we become estranged from our nature.

    I understand religion works for some. For me seeking out people who were doing work (writing, teaching) that fascinated me was where I found mentors. Be willing to be taught how to live a satisfying constructive life. At 16 you have time to do a lot of amazing things if you are fortunate.

    Good luck

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