I consider myself a Christian, and I love God with all my heart. Yet people tell me my views and ideals are different from Christianity. For example, I question many things in the Bible. I know this may be wrong if I take it to far, but I can't help but question things. Some of my questions are why Apostle Paul said women can never have any authority? Or why God blessed Samson if all he did was seek revenge and s***w prostitutes? Or why the book of Genesis contradicts itself with the story of creation? I also view things very differently. I tolerate people who smoke, drink, do drugs. I find that these people are much more accepting and less judgemental. I also have a couple of g*y friends, and I don't judge them whatsoever. I disagree with their lifestyle, yet I'm somewhat understanding about it. Lastly, I'm a bit skeptical with some of the events I've encountered. I once went to a service, and oil and diamonds started dripping out of the bible, I really doubted that it was real. What does this make me?