
What % am I?

by Guest61636  |  earlier

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If my dad is 87.% Italian and 12.5% Irish, and my mom is 33% Italian, 33% Ukraine, and 33% Polish. What percent of each does that make me?




  1. This is exact, but you aren't.

    Divide 87.5 by 2 to get 43.75 % Italian.

    Divide 12.5 by 2 to get 6.25% Irish.

    It is easier to say 7/16ths Italian and 1/16th Irish. Your dad is 7/8th Italian and 1/8th Irish.

    Something is wrong with your mom's percentages. She may be 50, 25 and 25. (1/2, 1/4 and 1/4). She may not. She can't be 1/3 unless she had one father and two mothers or one mother and two fathers.

    When you get her % straight, divide by 2. Add her % Italian to your 43.75% Italian from your dad.

  2. This is not exact, but your about 60% Italian, 17% Ukranian, 17% Polish, and 6% Irish. At least you got a little Irish in there

  3. IF the percentages of your parents are accurate, divide each of those by 2. E.g., you would be 43.5% Italian, 6.25% Irish, etc.

    However...Italians PROBABLY have some Greek in them (and others); Irish PROBABLY have Scotch, Welsh, Danish, maybe Roman, etc.

    Try a DNA test (both yDNA and mtDNA) to find out more.  I used; I have my own web pages with maps showing where my ancestors came from...China, Japan, Viet Nam, the Philippines, India, Australia...All countries in Europe (including Greenland), countries in the Middle East, Africa, Native Americans...

    So, try a DNA test and you will find different percentages. Have fun!
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