
What am I supposed to do in this situation?

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Last summer I lost a lot of weight but then I went through a really bad breakup at the beginning of the year and gained it all back. A few months ago my mom sat my brother and I down and told us that we were overweight and had to lose some. Ever since then I've started trying to work out some and eat healthier but the other day I was at the grocery store with my mom and she kept trying to buy me cookies and stuff and I told her I didn't want them. She asked me if I had an eating disorder! Now I know she's going to be watching me extra carefully and I'm afraid she's really going to think I have one since I eat so much less sweets. What am I supposed to do? If I start eating like I did before I'll gain a lot of weight and she'll think I'm fat but if I cut it out then she thinks I'm anorexic.




  1. I would just tell her that you are trying to eat healthier because it makes you feel better.  That's a pretty honest answer!

  2. Well first of all you need to remind her that she asked you to eat healthier and that is what you are trying to do and that is what you are going to do because it is what is best for you and I would remind her that it was she that made you see that.  

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