
What am I supposed to do on a airplane?

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I will be going to Japan from America.That would be like a 12hour ride.And i ALWAYS get really bored.what can i do

during that time? What can i do to make the time go by faster?

And,will i be able to use my laptop on the plane?




  1. you can bring a lap top, and a personal DVD player if you wish, although they do play a couple of movies and you will get a headphone set to listen to their select music and tv shows. or you could bring an ipod so you can listen to your own music. bring a couple of magazines/books and whatever to keep you not so bored, but most likely your flight will be an over night flight and you'll have plenty of time to sleep away the time. i took a flight last year from the states to soul Korea, and just the anticipation of reaching my destination help to speed up time.

  2. Take sleeping pills.  I've been on alot of long flights.  Like to Iraq and Saudi Arabia.  that works the best.  You'll be there really quick.  Just sleep through it.

  3. bring your ipod, a book, magazine, your laptop, movies, and sleeping pills! have fun.

  4. Dear Dog Lover ,

    What airline are u flying ?? most of Asian carriers have the new or updated equipment that equipped with Personal TV where you can watch your movie on demand , listen to the music or play games if you wish.

    So no worries, if we can survive a 23 hours flight from Philadelphia to Jakarta Indonesia,  I am sure you can survive with your 12 hours trip :)  Bon Voyage !!

  5. Bring a good book or 2 and you will be able to use your laptop.

  6. yes  but keep it off turning landings and takeoffs.

  7. Relax and love it! For twelve hours there's nowhere else you need to be except free to relax. :)

    I usually have my music with me, and my laptop. Sometimes  I write - for a blog or in my journal, or I'll work on an article. I love reading too. If you're too easily bored and not easily distracted, there's always sleep. And daydreaming. That's always good.

    I have to say this though:

    Whenever my son or my friends' kids, or my nieces and nephews said to me that they were bored, they only ever said it around me ONCE, because my reply was always,

    "You're bored? Then you're boring. You clearly don't think you're very good company or you couldn't possibly bore yourself so easily."

    It's not meant to be rude, just honest. Instead of waiting for something outside yourself to entertain you, use your imagination!

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