
What am i allowed to bring on a plane?

by  |  earlier

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i'm leaving for florida tomorrow and i have no idea what i'm actually allowed to bring on the plane. am i allowed to bring a razor and my hair stuff.

some people are telling me i cant and if i wanna bring like shampoo or something i have to buy the really small bottles and put them in a zip lock.

is that true?

and also i wanna bring my laptop, do i gotta do something specific with it or no?

please help!




  1. You can bring an electric shaver but not razor blades.  If you do want to take shampoo and other soap you can take 100ml of each in a little bottle on in hand luggage and you can take bigger in the check in luggage.  I am not sure but to be on the safe side i would put everything in zip lock bags and buy new bottles of shampoo and not take half empty ones.  Laptops are fine to take as long as only use it when the seat belt light has gone off.  Enjoy your flight.

  2. You didn't say if the razor was electric.  Electrics are ok (tho I would check it anyway unless you plan to shave on the plane.)  Safety razors (disposables or ones with replaceable cartridges) are fine too.

    For full info - go to and click on 'What to know before you go' for the most up to date info.

  3. You don't have to buy the little travel sized bottles of shampoo and stuff if you don't want just have to have liquid things in plastic bags, pretty much. So whatever you bring from home that's liquid, just stick it in a zip-lock. Oh and as far as airport security goes, mascara counts as a liquid, just so you know. When I flew from Chicago to Denver on my way to California this summer, I had my carry-on bag and personal item, which was my purse. In my carry-on was my makeup bag with mascara inside, and in my purse was a bottle of germ-x. one of the girls working security at O'Hare airport asked me if I had a plastic bag for either of them in order to take them on with me, so yeah. It wasn't really a big deal so I left them with her (she was all sympathetic lol) but yeah...just make sure you have plastic bags for your liquidy stuff :)

    Oh and as for're allowed 1 carry-on bag and 1 personal item on planes. You can take a bag with some things in it for the plane, and then you can take your laptop as your personal item.

    Have fun!  

  4. If you want to carry it on the plane with you, you have to put liquids (that must be less than 3 oz) in a plastic bag. They won't let you the razor in your carry on. but if you put it in your carry on you'll be fine!

  5. i think you can't bring a razor, i think it can be consider as deadly weapon...u can bring bottle as long as it is not pressurized...u can bring your laptop just hand carry it.

  6. honestly they have new regulations on laptops where they can search your laptop also. so if you do bring it just in case come prepared to be in searcce for a longer period of time

  7. If you want to bring your shampoo on the aircraft with you in your carry on luggage that needs to be regulated by size and packed in a zip lock bag. If you decided to pack those types items in your checked luggage they are not regulated by size and can be packed however you feel. For the complete list of what is and is not allowed on the aircraft with you in both your checked and carry on luggage you should visit the TSA website

    As for your laptop you are allowed to have that with you in your carry on luggage, and they suggest that because it is less likely to get damaged.l They only thing they require you to do with the laptop is place it alone in a security bin as it goes through screening.

  8. You are definitely not allowed to bring razor in your hand luggage but you can pack it in your check-in baggage.

    Please pack your shampoo in your check-in baggage.

    You can bring any liquid material up to a quantity of 100 ml only and packed in a transparent zip-lock pack only.

    The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has concocted a remarkable new policy: It reserves the right to seize for an indefinite period of time laptops taken across the border.

    A pair of DHS policies from last month say that customs agents can routinely--as a matter of course--seize, make copies of, and "analyze the information transported by any individual attempting to enter, re-enter, depart, pass through, or reside in the United States."

    DHS claims the border search of electronic information is useful to detect terrorists, drug smugglers, and people violating "copyright or trademark laws." (Readers: Are you sure your iPod and laptop have absolutely no illicitly downloaded songs? You might be guilty of a felony.)

    This is a disturbing new policy, and should convince anyone taking a laptop across a border to use encryption to thwart DHS snoops. Encrypt your laptop, with full disk encryption if possible, and power it down before you go through customs.

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