
What am i doing wrong when i inhale smoke?

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When i smoke i breath in the smoke so that if i open my mouth its gone. I atleast know that part is right...But i feel like the smoke is not getting far enough and i don't get high. What can i do to make sure the smoke gets far into my lungs




  1. I really don't understand why people have to smoke.  You realize you're just shortening your life and people around you.

  2. why would you smoke if you don't know how to

    smoking is easy though

    just keep breathing inn

    until you cant

  3. If your smokin weed.......I used to have the same problem.....

    Use a bong, Pack a bowl, Light it up and get the inside of the bong really milky.......before you inhale all that "milky" smoke......exhale, then inhale your bong rip as hard as you can.............AND HOLD IT for 20 seconds....................That's guaranteed to jack u up!

  4. Just breathe in deeply as you might if you were about to hold your breath and swim under water. Then hold the smoke there until the point at which you'd start to feel uncomfortable and exhale.

  5. I agree with 'O' -- what is the matter with you!!!

    Are you that bored that you want to do something totally STUPID !!!!

    Look up Lung Cancer an your comupter. Go to the hospital and volunteer on the cancer ward.

    Take some extra classes, volunteer at the local Boys and Girls club.

    Learn a new langage.

  6. Were you born stupid?

    Inhaling deeply pulls particulate matters into your lungs, and coats them with a fine assortment of carcinogenic agents.  You don't cough them up, they stay there and your lung's alveoli turn black!

    You loose the ability to breath properly, you can develop emphysema, develop lung cancer, and be prone to chronic respiratory infections.  

    Is that few minutes of nicotine's impact worth your life???

    Not to mention the pleasures of stale tobbaco breath for anyone you kiss.

  7. Don't smoke at all but if you must take a deep breath when then smoke goes into your mouth but you already know this.

  8. Simply do not smoke. There are other ways of getting high. And how would you like it if it was your fault your kid got asthma or a disease because you smoked? Try drinking a bottle of wine on a friday to chill and then do an outdoor activity.

  9. Don't smoke at all.

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