
What am i going through.

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Im 15 never unhappy child buzzy as a bee but one day i went on the internet and watched something about 2012 i took no notice of it but the next day i was in panic waking up sweating and trembling i didnt know what it was, the panic of the world ending went after about 2 days because i knew it was stupid, but ever since ive been feeling like c**p and cant stop worrying about everything, especially anxiety i continue to worry that i have anxiety and so i start to act like it. I find i feel really bad in the morning and feel just like helpless and in the night like 7pm its just gone and im back to my normal self, this has been going on for 3 weeks and im having bad stomach aches aswell but my family does suffer from IBS. Am i just worrying to much and working myself up, i just want this feeling to go, what is it?




  1. Now what you have to figure out what exactly is trigering this and how you can come to terms with it. Oviously finding out that the world may allegidly end in 2012 is harming you but chances are there is something a little deeper in your life that is trigering this responce to this theory/story that the world is goiing to end in 2012. Did you loose a family member or are your parrents divorced or someing to that extent. I belive that you might be suffering from Post Tramutic Stress Dissorder that is causeing you to think badly of the world coming to an end. I know that deep down inside you do not belive that the world will be coming to an end but just the thought of it is shocking to you probabably because of this PTSD.

    Now, how do you come to terms with it it is very simple find evidence against the world ending in 2012 like the fact that the bible tells us that no one can predict the end of the world and that anyone that does is plain and simply joking. Or of course you could find scienctific research that states that the world will not come to an end in 2012 and that everything is gonna be  allright. But you should of coiurse consult a therpist or physologist to further your knowlege and undersatanding of what is traigering this responce.

    Good Luck!

    Shawn C.

  2. You should keep yourself busy with something you like.

    Going out with your girlfriend?

    Going to the movies with some friends? etc..

    Hope you over-come this.  

  3. smoke pot

  4. post this in mental health

  5. Yes, many calendars, occult traditions, and religions, believe that the world will end in 2012.  There are also groups that foresee (in a slightly more scientific sense, though they were probably influenced by the aforementioned) various ecological, economic, and environmental disasters.  It is also the latest date that peak oil is likely (although probably peak oil has occurred already.)

    Regardless, why are you worrying?  And yes, you are worrying too much.  I very much doubt that the stomach problems have anything to do with the rest -- but you are worrying yourself sick.

    1.  There is NOTHING you can do if all these traditions and so forth are accurate.  NOTHING.  So you can waste time, or you can set it aside and just enjoy your life.

    2.  No other tradition, including dozens of forms of Judaism and hundreds of forms of Christianity have EVER been right with predictions like this -- why do you, even for a moment, think these groups will be?

    3.  As for the more scientific (and credible) concerns.  If you want to make a difference, study to be a hard core scientist.  From a scientific perspective these will not be one year disasters -- instead, things will start to decline (primarily because of our damage to the environment, peak oil, and overshoot).  Therefore, the world isn't going to end -- things are going to get worse, and continue to -- until solutions are found, by SCIENCE.  As a scientist you could help with those solutions.  

    Honestly, if you no willingness to be part of the solution, stop bothering yourself with it at all, even the scientific stuff, and just go off to be whatever -- then your worry truly and for sure is just a stupid waste.  So, discard the nonsense, think about helping with potential real problems, and if you aren't willing to dedicate your life -- stop grand standing and go forward with whatever life you want.



  6. I think bettter to find a psychologist to advise you.

  7. although you dont want to see a psychologist, this is what i would recommend.

    however, the alternative is to speak to someone you trust about it. the best thing for these sorts of things is to speak about it to someone you trust and can confide in. perhaps a sibling or parent. if not even a truly good friend who can lend an ear or some other trusted adult.

    you can also find things to do that relax you. whatever that interests you do it more often. it sounds like a panic attack. hopefully it should pass with time. if it gets worse, i truly recommend a psychologist, even a school counsellor would be helpful.

    good luck with it all

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