
What am i going to do ? any advice anyone?

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ok so I'm 19 years old, have a full time job in a restaurant which is so boring ( been there 2 years) , went in the army at 17 didn't work out , applied for police force but failed, :( , I'm just stuck in a big fat rut, on what to do with my life, i know I'm still young , but i wanna do it now, i`ve tried going to college but its not for me , what the h**l can i do ???




  1. You're still don't worry so much. You're only making it harder on yourself.

    Deciding on what to do with your life is a big's not something you can choose on a whim.

    Start thinking about things that you like to you like: Organizing? Making things? Planning? Reading? Writing? Teaching? Analyzing? Things like that....when you have thought of some things you some research on the internet about things in those fields...for example...if you like making things...maybe you would love making jewelry to sell, or clothes. If you like analyzing things...what about being a food critic? Possibilities are endless. Don't ever limit yourself.

    While you may not have to go to school for certain things...most of the time you really can't get anywhere now-a-days without some kind of a degree. You may have felt college wasn't for you because you weren't ready since you don't know what to do. You can always go part time! Ease into it...or take classes specifically in what you like.

    I honestly despise school sometimes and barely pass classes I'm not interested in and HAVE to take...but I really succeed in classes that interest me. As far as being in a rut goes...focus on things that make you happy...when you feel better about yourself, you'll feel more capable on taking on big decisions! =)

  2. Well try a new college, college may not be for you but if you want get somewhere in life you need to go to college.  Like community college or if that doesn't work try an online college.

  3. You are young so u still have time to think about it! don't stress out to much about it!

    Just look into something that has always attracted you...

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