
What am i gonna do now about my high school classes?

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Ok here's my story I am a freshman and i start school on Monday today was the sophomore orientation so me and my friend went (he's a sophomore) so i bought my PE clothes and went to change my schedule here was my original schedule

1 World Geography Honors

2 Avid



5Algebra 1

6Freshman English 1

Now i wanted to change my algebra 1 to geometry and my fr. English to fr English honors. O here's the problem, when i went to the orientation today I went to the office and filled out one of those slips for schedule change but my counselor just left a message saying that fr English honors is full and that I had to get straight 8's in 7th grade for geometry even though i had straight 8's in 8th grade taking algebra one i want to go to collage but how am i gonna get in taking these retarded classes help please .




  1. hey b*tch. dont use the word retarded like that or for any reason at all

    ignorant bi*ch

  2. Have you parents go in with you and discuss the situation with a counselor. While you may not have met the requirements for geometry you should point out to them that you still had a strong math background in the 8th grade.

    Furthermore, they should not penalize you because you want to take advanced English courses.

    Ask if there is a waiting list you could be put on... that's your best bet!

    Goodluck and keep that motivation up!  

  3. you take alg 1 when you're freshman

    trust me its hard enough and you get homework everyday

  4. Well if the class is full sry, but make sure to get in it next year its a good class...and full of people who actually don't mind learning and seeing from your schedule you are smart and have good grades

    about the math challenge your class, you would have to ask the teacher though

    go back to your jr. and ask your teacher if they think its ok if you go up a math grade because they would know best

    but usually you can take a test and if you do good on the test then you can go up a level

    but if you haven't taken algrebra 1 you have to take it its a high school graduation requirement

    goodluck though;-) PS; geometrys a touch one haha

  5. talk to your counselor


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