
What am i having? boy or girl. ultrasound was a little unclear?

by  |  earlier

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boy or girl? slight bump on ultrasound, love meat, hate chocolate, craving fish and chips. high belly.




  1. well I cant promise you anything.

    But I craved meats and protiens with my son and I carried him high!

    With my daughter I am craving sweet stuff! And She is low!

    Good luck to you!

    p.s. Look at a chinese gender predictor chart, It is fun Even if it isnt correct

    It was right both times for me:)

  2. with the way ur carrying if this is the first preg they always carry higher than the second.also if it isn't a noticeable bump then more than likely a girl.girls like meat. you should know that lol :^)

  3. well girls tend to give you a wide belle and boys a pointy one. Also if you face is thin its a boy... but girls never let themselves bee seen on an orange before you do an ultrasound and you will definitely see what it is.

  4. looks like you need to schedule another u/s

    they didn't tell you what they thought?

  5. you should ask for another really doesnt matter what you crave and if your carring high or low those are just old wives tales and there are no guarantee to any of them

  6. lol....if only it was that easy! i have no idea but im sure you will adore it no matter what the s*x! how dissapointing though...i would have been very disapointed if we couldnt tell the s*x in my ultrasound! i'll tell you one thing 100% having a boy and  ive gone off chocolate you never know! maybe your having a boy!

  7. No clue, ask your ultrasound tech..

  8. IF the ultrasound was unclear, then guess what? You'll get a surprise when you deliver! :-)

    If you have another one scheduled for later in the pregnancy (not usual - generally only if there are complications) then get them to have another look at that time.

    I enjoyed the surprise of finding out when my son was born, but didn't do anything particular to prepare the nursery one way or the other, so it dodn't matter to us

  9. sounds like a girl based on your description of you.  but as far as the ultrasound it sounds very indecisive.  with my girls they had what looked like something but with my boy he definantly has something there no mistaking it.  if the tech couldn't tell then I would see if there is any chance for a second ultrasound.

  10. well i've heard the way your belly is shaped tells you what your having.. i was carrying a girl, my belly looked round.. like, more fat on the sides of my belly.. and i'm having a boy, my belly is like a basketball.. more out in the middle.. idk if that makes sense lol  

  11. get another ultrasound done...but it sounds like i girl

  12. I know you want our opinion but cravings and how the belly is carried are old wives tales. I love meat, love chocolate, crave everything and have a high belly and I'm having a girl. If you post the picture we can help out better that way.

  13. You are having does it matter what the gender is will you throw it away if it's the wrong gender... I don't think so.

  14. you are having a child.  fret about the health, not the gender.

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