
What am i meant to do about my parents!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok guys listen up! I am getting sick to death of my parents and my brother. I need some help on how to confront them about how i feel. I also feel that they don't respect my beliefs on being atheist. Please help. Best answer up 4 grabs!




  1. Just talk to them...

    What other way CAN yougo about it?

    Write them a letter? l0l!

    && your atheist beliefs.

    I support your parents.

    Atheistism is stupid..

    You don't believe in god..okay.

    How did you get apes?? haha

    Want to talk more on the atheist subject.

    Email me..

    I could def give you my opinion on that one.

    Good luck talking with your parents.


    Maybe in your question add details of

    how your parents bother you?


  2. beliefs on being atheist - isn't that an oxy moron?  

  3. it is ok that you don't believe what they believe. and they may not like it that you don't believe what you do but you have your own mind and can decide for yourself.  and they have to respect that  

  4. You should ask to talk to them when you're all together, maybe after dinner, and tell them exactly what's on your mind. Tell them it's your right to believe whatever you want to believe and they should respect that right.

    It can be hard to start talking about how you feel, but once you start you'll notice it just keeps flowing. Good luck!

  5. Don't discuss your religious views with other people and ask them to keep their to themselves.  It is no ones business what you believe.  Religion is a private matter.  Just ask them to respect your freedom to believe your way and you will respect their freedom to believe their way.

  6. We never discus religion inside the house. My mother is a Seventh day adventist and my father is a roman catholic. Even though they are the same Christians they never have the same beliefs and teachings. The only nearest thing to religion that we discus at home is values and virtues. Kindness and patience. You should tell them to respect you. And don't forget anyone has the right to express his/her self as long as he/she is not violating the rights of the others!

  7. Having personal and different religious beliefs ( or disbeliefs)  from those of parents and/or family is hard. There may never be an understanding between you and them! Religion is one of those grey areas in which there can be much emotion.

    I do not live or believe as my parents or family do. I just live my life and when they bring up the religion subject, I kindly remind them that works for them, doesn't work for me. I have always said that when religion becomes a "mental illness"....I'll pass. I personally feel any relationship with a supreme being is personal relationship I can have without walking into a building every week.

    With regards to your family and disrespect ....another touchy subject. How old are you?  You could simply try to sit down and talk to your parents and brother. Calmly explain that you feel disrespected. You could give them examples should they feel differently.  You could also write a letter to each of them.

    Good Luck

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