
What am i seeing???.

by Guest21243  |  earlier

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Almost every time when i smoke marijuana and im very very stoned i swear i see patterns. Nothing hallucinagenic(sp) but if i sit and trance for and hour then stand up my eyes remain open but everything goes fuzzy and i see from the outside in everything become grey, green, red sometimes. It lasts for a couple of seconds but i go somewhat blind.




  1. Do you also get really loud ringing/buzzing in your ears at the same time?

    What you're describing sounds like you are standing up to fast and become lightheaded, faint. It's the way you feel before you pass out.

    Everything starts to slowly darken and it becomes like a closing tunnel and you can't hear because the buzzing and BAM! your *** is on the ground!

    Happened to me once in Highschool I was pregnant and smoked (yeah I know but I was soooo nauseous.)

    Does it seem like that?

  2. Flotaters

  3. Yes marijuana is hallucinogenic. Some people will see thing on it. What you described is a classic example of what one would see if they were hallucinating.  patterns and color distortion

  4. marijuana is a hallucinating drug.

    you could be experiencing floaters in your eye.
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