
What am i so messed up?

by Guest11102  |  earlier

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so as i posted my ex and i were going out to dinner... we did and she was hanging out and we ended up having s*x at the end of the night. even worse is the next day i went to her house and we cuddled and kissed. she sent me a message and said im glad we had fun this weekend...idk what my next move is she is studying in rome should i go and surprise her since she wears the promise ring i gave her and that she told me that she cannot stop thinking of me and that she just doesn't know if she misses me like a friend or a bf...... what should i do??




  1. well if you still have feelings for her,then go to her, make a surprise, tell her that you want her back in your life. Make this thing clear.

  2. Perhaps your break up with her was hasty and premature.  And now both of you are finding out that your decision to break up was a mistake.

  3. get her pregnant

    before somebody else does.

  4. This is a very confusing question...go surprise her in Rome.

  5. Does she have s*x and kiss her friends? You can probably recognize that she does not look at you as just a friend. If she is going away, you either need to discuss your relationship with her or let her go.

  6. I didn't know there was such a fine line between s*x w/ a friend & a boyfriend, I always applied "bf" to sexual relationships.  Don't know if you should surprise her, I'd reserve that for a committed relationship.  Rome sounds very romantic; make plans to visit & see what happens (not as a surprise).

  7. no!

    you would get annoying..

    mabey at the end like the day before she leaves...than make her stay and have some romantic dinner.

    besides..youe her ex

    studying in rome could just be an excuse

    who wouldnt want to go to rome...

    she could be havin some fancy dinner with some guy right now....

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