
What am i soppsoe to do with a team who doesnt like to cheer. they think its stupid.?

by  |  earlier

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sorry i spell rong




  1. cheer for them doesn't have to be a big, stomping ace cheer, but even a pat on the back or a "nice try" helps when the team is down.

  2. Ask a coach or assistant coach to lead the cheer. Nobody dares to think the coach is stupid.

  3. Then don't cheer, I'm from Canada, instead of going like "woo" and all that, we just yell "ehhh" for a few seconds together and then clap in the middle. Even people on the bench go "ehh" don't cheer, think of different things you can say together

  4. Well, I don't discourage you from cheering your team on, but it doesn't have to be all rehearsed and it doesn't have to have words to it. Just say good job and clap and yell things. I'm sure you like cheerleading but it's kind of annoying when somebody wants to do cheerleading in VOLLEYBALL.

  5. Ive been on many talented teams such as yours and  we would end up loosing b/c our lack of spirtit and motivation. In fact last year my team had to do push-ups or run if we did not bring it in and hug or cheer or slap hands or clap at the end of every play. It really brought us toghether as a team and opened up our lines of communication.

    In your situation, you cannot change your whole team by yourself, but your effort does help. Trust me, your whole ENTIRE team cant think that its stupid. They are just trying to be cool and go with the flow, but even college teams and olympic teams cheer eachother on.

    You need to explain to your team that volleyball is 80% psychological and that every time you cheer for your team it gives them the motivation to keep dominating!!!

    My advise:

    -You keep being you and keep cheering for your team, and eventually others will cheer with you. If they thing that ACE or KILL cheers are lame...maby a "ready 1,2, clap clap" will be enough.

    -Cheer from the sidelines and motivate your team from there. Let them know that even if you arnt playing, your head is still in the game.

    -Good luck with the reat of your season!

  6. you try and lead the team. you can do it! :]

    start with something simple like hi-fiving your team (if you dont do that yet)

    then say "good job girls!" whenever you're in the lead.

    however, have your superfans (or if you dont have any, then parents) cheer for you!

    hoopefully your girls will get some spirit. hha. good luck.

  7. you know that cheering is helpful and supportive.

    you ask how you can motivate you team to cheer.

    i think you already talked with the team about the topic.

    first - do not stop cheering.

    second - ask your team to make a test.

    one game they should cheer and congratulate the others

    a second game they should not do so.

    and afterwards ask them which one they liked best and in which one they played better and more motivated, had more fun..

    i am sure, they prefer the one with cheering..  :)

    good luck and success..

  8. You always have to cheer your team on or up b/c that helps win matches. If your on the court and you see your bench sitting there doing nothing, playing isn't fun anymore so you don't play well. If your losing, cheering will boost your team's spirits, so cheer. If your winning, cheering helps by keeping your team pumped to go ahead and finish the match  and win.

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