
What am i suposed to do/ is this mean?!?

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ok this guy named adrian was my friend in 5th grade and we used to talk alot in school. i was kinda bossy to everyone but not mean. in sixth grade i kinda stopped talking to him cause he wasnt in my class and we didnt sit together at lunch. last year (in seventh grade) we didnt talk to eachother at all. then one day he was talking to one of his friends, i said hi to her, but not him and then he said HI! and im like o hi adrian. then after that we were talking about how bossy i was in sixth grade and i was laughing. and they thaught we were dating, but we werent! and one of his guy friends told me that adrian liked me.and this year ive only said hi to him twice.

is that mean?

should i talk to him more often?





  1. i dont think its mean, but if it was me i would be a little nicer when i found out he liked me... thats just me. You do have to be careful not to be so nice that youre leading him on.. ya know?

  2. you guys are young just pay attention to school or youll get jerpes

  3. U should not talk to him he had too talk too u he might tell u that he like u but u had to tell him u don't like him (simple) Not really if u had the chance to talk too him talk to him friendly about back then if he said nothin then he might be shy but I should said he has too tell u cause if just tell him u don't like him u just break his heart  

  4. talk to him its okay take it slowww

  5. dont worry your only young =]

  6. just talk to him like a freind and if he says he likes u then just b like i just want to b freinds with u

  7. If he is a nice guy and you like him, I think you should talk to him.

  8. i think u should talk 2 him and get to know him better and thanks for voting for Zeus    =)

  9. "plug it in"

  10. go talk to him. he likes you and it would make him feel much better to know that you like even if you just want to be friends. he sounds shy so you might just have to talk to him first!

  11. ask him what he thinks about you

  12. no not mean at all as long ur not bossy now . and keep talking 2 him i mean he was ur friend in 5th grade y cant he be ur friend now???

  13. jerpes eh? where do you buy those?

  14. if he likes u he will eventually talk 2 u, if he is too shy ask one of his best mates then if they say yes make more of an effort to talk to him

  15. you're mean, i think you secretly like him. for you to treat him that bad. . you shoud get out-you know get rid of the tension...good luck,but rememeber you're just kids.

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