
What am i supposed to do/act??

by Guest57135  |  earlier

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im on summer vacation && i have been for two months with my family..that i havent seen in about 4 years

(my dad , step mom, grandparents) ...(i live with my mom && step dad)

the problem is they are really starting to get on my nerves..but im leaving in 3 days

so really grumpyy..any suggestions to try and be nice and/or enjoy the rest of my vaca?? i wanna go hommeee





  1. Unless they are doing something outrageous, try to take it easy on them and on yourself.  It's 3 days.  You'll survive.

  2. Just calm down here.  You've only got three more days to do.  Don't sweat it.  Just be nice to people.  I'm sure that won't take much effort on your part.

  3. Think of ways to pass the time (computer,reading etc) just be nice and stay out of their way when possible. Call your mom and ask her to come home early.

  4. Sound as if you have the answer...just chill and deal with it. It's too bad you cannot find a way to build a connection rather than leave with uncool feelings. Something like this happened to me once and I decided I had just been there too long...unfortunately I found myself not wanting to go back again...I sort of regret it now...think about how you and they will feel later...

  5. Peace not war. Chill.

  6. Just don't let on that they are annoying you. Just be as nice as you can for the next couple of days. Also enjoy any time you ever get with family as it is special and we aren't around for ever. Good luck and hang in there.  :)

  7. take alcohol and drugs

    -passes the time in a fun kinda way.

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