
What am i supposed to do. ?

by Guest66863  |  earlier

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i think im in Like. As in i REALLY really like this guy in my school but he has a gf .. i know what your thinking then WHy him?? or "get over it" but you don't understand he has a thing for me too and im so lost. I mean im not gonna do anything but i really needa figure out how to get over him. You guys don;t even understand i need TIps like MAJOR tips! He's everywhere including my head and i don't know what to do. anyway yeah like i said i need help :( Help.




  1. Go with your heart, if you like him and he likes you? What are you waiting for? just think if it was the other way around would another girl hesitate?

    All's fair in love and war!

  2. Just waity and see what happens. Its not like you can break them up. If he likes you then he will break up with her and start talking to you. Just talk to him sometimes and kinda let him know you are interested but play it cool. If he feels the same then it will happen.

  3. I would say focus on you. Don' t put all you energy into a guy if he cant put all of his energy into you. Maybe pick up a new hobby or join a new school club where you could meet new guys. Redirecting your attention away from him will definately help. :)

  4. lol

  5. I have the same issue... a girl I work with is married and she doesn't feel anything for her husband. I love her to death, as she's one of the few females who really matches what I'm looking for.

    I have to be honest with myself though, and give her marriage a fighting chance, so I handed her a book on relationships today to try and help them out... if they divorce, I'll give her time to be single, but I want her as a wife... badly... and I've never said that about anyone else ever before.

  6. TEEN DRAMA SUCKS!!!  Get a life that doesn't involve having to have a bf to define who you are.

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