
What amount of foundation should be applied?

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so i am using that revlon colorstay foundation and really liked it..before that i used kryolans paint stick and now switched to revlon..but this revlon does not make my complexion a bit fair...the color is exactly same as my skin so it just smoothes my complexion but does not giv a bit more fair should i apply more amount?,i use a very little amount because i dont wanna make it look cakey

one more thing..i have heard that this foundation is causing acne to some people is it true?or is it safe to use it?..




  1. Foundation is supposed to just even out your complexion, so I'd say this product is doing what it's supposed to do. Making your skin look more fair than your neck color makes it look like a mask - not all that cute, IMO.

    If you're wanting to make your skin look more fair, you probably need to add powder when using this foundation or switch to one with more pigment in it. I found that L'oreal liquid foundations always made my fair skin look ghost white - which is not the look I wanted.

    As for acne: foundations don't cause acne. You are either prone to it or not. Too heavy make-up can cause random pimples, but that's not acne. As long as you're removing all your makeup every night, you should be ok - sleeping with heavy makeup isn't good for your skin.

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