
What amp should i use with fi subwoofers?

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i want two fi 12 inch subwoofers either bl or q what amp should i use and whats better bl or q




  1. If your going to buy 2 id reccomend forgetting that, and buying a 18 BTL fully loaded, or a JL 13" W7, power it with either a JL 1000/1 or some nice rockford power, depends really, my jl amp is a little higher quality, but the rockford pounds the **** outta my BTL i paid about 700 for the jl and around 8 bills for the rockford T2000

  2. 18" BTL?  Well depends on what kind of sound the asker wants.  The 18" has SLOWER response time.  18" is going to give you boom...thats about it.  IT's not known for SQ (sound quality.)  more for SPL or BASS...(Sound pressure level).  So depending on which sub you get both the BL and Q are decent subs.  Q especially if you want SQ.  It still all out gets down and booms if you need, but it's not going to sacrifice SQ to do it.

    As for the JL W7....Great sub...but not that good for the price Retails $750.  two Q's for the price of one w7, the Q's will be louder and sound quality great!  Q's 259 each free ship.

    thats still cheaper than a w7 and you have a bit left over.  Dont chince out on the amp.  The 1000/1 wont be a good match for either Fi setups...unless you go one single sub.  And at the price of a 1000/1 (retail $1000...) could get MUCH better amps out there. and more powerful.

    Seen two Q's in a vehichle...still moves a ton of air and shakes the c**p out of the store windows when you drive by.

    Anyway either sub you go Fi says 1000watts.  I'd suggest a 2000 watt amp.  Should be fine for either situation.  Just make sure you get the amp based on how you plan to wire the subs.  Make sure it supports the Ohm's and coils you choose.

    BL is a bit STRONGER....not as good Quality sound.  

    So depends on what type of sound you want.  

    Depending on the music you listen to for rock, or less heavy bass sound, get the Q.  

    Q will still hit loud anyway.  Especially two of them.

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