
What amp would work well with these subs... I have two of them.?

by Guest21513  |  earlier

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Here they are.




  1. A mono amp that is 100-450 watts RMS at 2 ohms will work well. Wire the subs together in parallel. Giving you a 2 ohm final impedance.

    This one would work pretty well.

  2. where ever you plan on buying your amp from go there and ask them to all all the amps that would work with 255 watt subs

  3. your max rms for each sub is 225w so thats 450w rms with both subs. always go by the rms rating not max power.

    you are best to get an amp that has a slightly higher rms rating than your subs, so any 500w rms rated sub would be good to power both subs and would allow you to turn the amp down slightly from max so it doesnt have to work flat out.

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