
What an ex wants to say , saying that ?

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it s not hate , but i have nauseas to know that he is alive ...

thanks nice day




  1. mccarty


    Am here to testify what this great spell  caster done for me. i never believe in spell casting, until when i was was tempted to try it. i and my husband have been having a lot of problem living together, he will always not make me happy because he have fallen in love with another lady outside our relationship, i tried my best to make sure that my husband leave this woman but the more i talk to him  the more he makes me fell sad, so my marriage is now leading to divorce because he no longer gives me attention. so with all this pain and agony, i decided to contact this spell caster to see if things can work out between me and my husband again. this spell caster who was a woman told me that my  husband is really under a great spell that he have been charm by some magic, so she told me that she was going to make all things normal back. she did the spell on my husband and after 5 days my husband changed completely he even apologize with the way he treated me that he was not him self, i really thank this woman her name is Dr Aluta she have bring back my husband back to me i want you all to contact her who are having any problem related to marriage issue and relationship problem she will solve it for you. her email is she is a woman and she is great. wish you good time.

    He cast spells for different purposes like

    (1) If you want your ex back.

    (2) if you always have bad dream

    (3) You want to be promoted in your office.

    (4) You want women/men to run after you.

    (5) If you want a child.

    (6) You want to be rich.

    (7) You want to tie your husband/wife to be yours forever.

    (8) If you need financial assistance.


    (10) is the only answer to that your problem of winning the lottery

    Contact him today on:

  2. awful

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This question has 2 answers.


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