
What an "un-champion" like move by Kyle Busch?

by Guest57967  |  earlier

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What was up with Kyle Busch in last night's race. After Edwards won, he bumped Edwards. I know he wanted to win and I know he got punted by Edwards for 1st, but he should know this is Bristol. That's how it goes. From what I hear, Edwards was once moved out of the way by Busch at Richmond. Jeff Gordon, who by the way had a strong Top-5, also got moved out by Stewart and Hamlin, which I don't agree with, but still is a move that's used. More to the point, I think he should

have just let it go. I mean 8 wins, you're locked, and the man got you fair and, all he does is act immature. WHAT DO YOU THINK?




  1. What did Busch say after the race he spun Dale Jr out in. It's all part of racing.  I guess what he really meant was I can do it to them but they better not do it to Busch. To me, he was acting like a kid throwing a temper tantrum because he didn't get his own way. The poor little  frustrated baby. What did Busch expect Edwards to do, roll over and play dead. Well if Busch did, he had another think coming. It shows off Busch's true colours. I wonder if N.A.S.C.A.R. is going to punish Busch for his little temper tantrum at the end of the race? Not very good sportsmanship on Busch's part, if it's all part of racing. Besides that, it's the Bristol Bump that Edwards gave Busch.

  2. same thing happen to Kenseth but he was nice enough to apologize not smart but nice enough

  3. Not really considering its what all champions of the past have done including your boy #24 about a dozen times.  It's called getting in your opponents head.    It's Bristol.  Unless you're a fair weather fan or casual fan you know this has been happening at Bristol for 50 years.  Seen it 30 times.  Yawn. Time to go to the next track.

    I know exactly what you're talking about. Jeff did the same thing to Matt then proceeded to push him in pit lane after the race.  Thats just one example.  Again I'm not gonna argue.  I can name the same situation 10 times by drivers such as Harvick, Gordon, Waltrip, Elliott, Allison, JImmie Johnson a few years ago.

    When I said "your" it was a generalization and not a direct insult.

  4. Just my opinion, but Kyle Busch is a DANGEROUS driver,to himself, and especially to other drivers...don't understand why Gibbs doesn't reel him in some.

  5. It reminded me of the un-champion-like move that two champions (namely Tony Stewart and Kurt Busch) made at the Bud Shootout.  Which was AWESOME.

  6. Seems to me this same sort of action has happened at Bristol by such drivers as Allison,Petty,Yarborough,Wallace,Gordon,... So Race is over and lets go.

  7. Anytime you dominate a race the way Rowdy did and dont come away with the win, is upsetting. If someone does somthing you dont like on the race track you let them know about it and thats what Rowdy did."you mess with the bull & you'll get the horns".

  8. What Kyle(Or it seems some people have adopted calling him Kryle) did after the race just makes me angry. Just the way he acted like he's never done a bad thing to anybody and like Carl is a lunatic on the track just irks me. Kyle better keep winning, because I bet you if more people start to stand up to him they'll try to run him out of the sport.

    At least some nice quotes came out of it. I'm gonna call Carl "Mr. Ed." from now on.

  9. "knowing that it's bristol" and not being happy about getting bumped out of the way are two totally different things. heck, the example you point to - jeff gordon getting moved by stewart and hamlin - brought out quite the hostile reaction from gordon on his radio. he said something to the effect that when he catches back up to stewart, he's through. just because you know there's bumping and banging that's going to be going on doesn't mean you have to like it. and you especially don't have to like it if you've raced each other cleanly all night and been up front nearly the whole race then get the ol' bump-and-run and see a win evaporate before your very eyes. i agree that carl saw his shot and he took it, and it wasn't so egregious as to get him black-flagged by any means - it was a simple bump-and-run. carl won, kyle lost. but do you honestly think any driver worth his salt, including carl, would be happy to have ended up on the receiving end of even a little "love tap" that ended up deciding the race?

    in fact, the actions after the race were very "bristol-like" and very "champion-like." many former champions, heck, many more drivers in general have come to punches over such things. gordon got the bump-and-run there last year, or was it the year before, and after the race walked over and knocked matt kenseth back on his heels. any driver with the "fire-in-his-belly" is going to be upset about this. did earnhardt sr. and labonte shake hands after earnhardt "rattled his cage a little?" i think not. it's getting mad over such things, no matter where you stand in the points or finish, that make champions. kyle may have eight wins and be locked, but now carl has six, and instead of being 50 bonus points ahead when the chase starts, now kyle is only 30. granted, ramming his car afterwards then getting spun himself wasn't the smartest thing to do, but nobody said "smart" was a prerequisite for how you are supposed to act after getting the chrome horn anywhere...

    and carl himself was asked that question during his press conference after the race. the question was if he thought kyle's behavior after the race was poor sportsmanship or if he though kyle was a sore loser. carl answered bluntly that no, it was nothing like that. he knew that kyle was upset and said that he would have probably done the same thing. in fact, he has in the past, and not even at bristol. he did it to junior back in the then-busch series race in michigan in 2006. came off pit road after the race had ended and rammed right into junior's side to "make sure he knew i wasn't happy." check it out for yourself: heck, carl's even been so mad after a race that even after a cool-down period he played "made you flinch" on-camera with his own teammate, and kenseth didn't even bump him for a win.

    finally, "knowing that it's bristol" implies that drivers know what the commentators say time and again about racing at bristol - "tempers will flare." and they did. next race...

  10. It's because of emotions after the race. NASCAR can be an emotionally drive sport, so I can't fault Kyle for doing that, if I led that many laps and got bumped out

    NOthin wrong with being a crybaby. If you cry about finishing second, you'll win a lot of races. If you're happy a bout finishing 2nd, you'll lose a lot.

    Neither Kyle or Carl wanted to finish 2nd, and it was obvious that Kyle had good reason to  be upset after being moved out of the way after leading since lap 52.

    I'm sure this morning he has thought it over and chalked it up to just another Bristol race. Nothing wrong with being unhappy with 2nd. That's why he has 8 wins and Carl 6. for the lead I would get upset too.

  11. i think kyle is a little baby he should go in a corner and suck his thumb because he acts like a 5 year old

  12. Thats short track racing for you.  Guys have been the bump and run since the realized they had bumpers.  Kyle has done it before.  He just cant seem to accept that people will do you like you do them.

    Its not like Kyle was faster anyways.  Carl pulled away once he got past which seems to be common with these cars.  Once you are out front you can usually stay there.

  13. I think Kyle should be a little more tactful in his post-race interviews, because there's a few other drivers that want a piece of that action too.

    And his action speak louder than words. I really enjoyed Carl spinning the #18 in a circle after the #18 ran into the winner of the race. It made the #18 look like a plaything in a schoolyard

  14. I think Kyle Busch is a whiny brat who is the biggest sore loser out there. Like he has not wrecked anyone before. Have we forgotten about Richmond, Nationwide Series Richmond, Martinsville Truck Race...too many to name. So when Carl gives Kyle a tap, Kyle blows up like the crackhead he is.

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