
What and When do i feed my 3 mollies?

by  |  earlier

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i have a 2.5 gallon tank and it has a white,black, and dalmation mollies in it. The person at the pet store said i sould feed them these little pebbles as food. But..... on the can it says i should feed them 2 to 3times a day. So i feed them once and all the pebbles sank to the bottom of the tank. So then i tried flakes and the mollies ate them right away. SO should i feed them like this 1 or 2 times a day or what?




  1. I feed mine flake food in the morning & frozen brine shrimp & bloodworms in the afternoon. I also throw in a slice of zuccini a couple times a week & they seem to love it.

  2. Depends on how much you feed them the one time. I agree with using the flakes for mollies and I only feed my once a day. Don't you think you could use a little bigger tank with 3 mollies?  

  3. Well you can mix them and give them a little bit of each. But since the pellets just sank to the bottom, try crushing them. Or you can feed them the flakes every other day and same goes for the pellets. Or pellets in the morning and flakes at night. It's really up to you. Try feeding them 2-4 times a day. Just don't give them a huge amount since you've only got 3 of them. Good Luck!

  4. You only need to feed them once a day, however it will hurt them if you give them pellets and flakes also. if they let the pellets fall they will get them later, flakes are more fun for you because you get to watch them scramble to the surface to eat.

    For more fun try feeding them one at a time  LOL  

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