
What and how many fish for a 20 Litre tank?

by  |  earlier

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Hi all. I posted a question earlier about my tank being murky with 3 goldfish and am horrified to find that my tank is way, way, way to small for my fish. I feel so terribly guilty and am angry with the pet shop for selling me these fish when I clearly told them the set-up I had.

Anyway, I've decided to freecycle the fish to someone who has the capacity to care for them. In the meantime I need to find something to replace them as they're my little boy's fish and he loves them to bits.

If anyone has any suggestions on what type of coldwater fish to get and how many for a 20 litre tank, I'd be very, very grateful.

Many thanks.




  1. pet shops are horrible sometimes, i suggest try and buy from an aquarium. there are no cold water fish that will tolerate such a small tank, cold water fish are meant to be in ponds. a goldfish would not live more than a year in such a small tank, although they can live for over ten years in a large tank or pond.

    you could buy a small submersible filter and heater for around 30 dollars and you could keep some small tropical fish like guppies or neon's tetras, or any other small breeds of tetras. they are very colourful and active fish.

    you could also get a betta or siamese fighter, but since the tank is small you could only keep one male on his own or with some smaller tetras (not guppies as he will eat their tails).

    whatever you decide, make sure you clean the tank weekly by taking 20 percent of the water out with a gravel vacume and replacing it with fresh dechlorinated treated water.

    good luck!!!

  2. dont get any koi. they have whiskers on the sides of their mouths. they need like 200 gallons. for goldfish (the one with 1 tail) 1 inch of fish needs 2 gallons and you have about 5 gallons so you can have a 2.5 inch fish in your tank tops.  

  3. i have a 10 gallon tank, and i can have 3 fish in it, if i go 2 4 one dies

    i only have to right nw, it was a freak thing withh a shell,he swam in and couldent get out and i diddnt notice

  4. YAY!! im so glad youve decided to do the bes thing for your lil fishys! and i know wht you mean! i think the local Wal*Mar is getting mad at me for randomly telling people about PROPER fish care XD theyre abou to pick up a bowl and i tell hem about the TRUE care needs for fish lol. most of em take my advice.

    well, anyways.. as for he tnak, its only 5g which is he minimum tank size for one betta. male of female=] youll need a genle filter (i use Pen  Plax Small world filters:  )

    theyre really good, just turn the flow down wih the knobby hing so its low and it will still keep the waer perfectly clear! just do your reglar water changes and replace he carridge once  month and your tank will be fine. a heter is also necessary o keep the temp at a sable 80*F=]

    so yeah, basically heater, filer, thermomiter and decor =] well i hope you have fun with your lil fishys and good luck to you all!! =]

  5. hmm thats roughly a 5 gallon tank?

    with gold fish, you want 1-2 for every 10 gallons roughly due to the way they are. for small schooling fish in a tank of that size, you could prob get around 4 or so. Like 4 neon tetras or something like that.

  6. Get a filter and heater and get a male OR female Betta. They'll do best in a 5 gallon tank with a filter and heater.

    Without a heater (but still with a filter), then you could get a school of 4-5 White Cloud Mountain Minnows. They are coldwater fish and would still do ok in a 5 gallon tank.

    You can e-mail me for any additional fish stocking.


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