
What and when was the last lie you told?

by  |  earlier

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When did you last tell a lie and what was it?

Did people believe you?

Thank you :)




  1. When I was cold-called last evening and they tried to sell me a conservatory (or something like that).  I told them I lived in a tower block on the 6th floor.  Don't know if they believed me or not, don't care either.  I was cooking my meal and they interrupted me.

  2. Yesterday I told a co-worker that her new haircut looked great, when it actually wasn't flattering at all. I felt bad because she was talking about how much it cost her (about $100).

    She believed me, but someone in the office wasn't as nice as I was and told her they didn't care for it. Oh well.

  3. I'm telling one now.Do you believe me

  4. the last lie told was to my dad that i lost ma new shoes @ church where i went while coming back after buying it so that i could get some more money so i could buy another pair

    Actually i had the 1 had bought and had kept it at ma frnds place

    He beleived it and gave me money

  5. "I have never lied."

    Told it 2 seconds ago on Yahoo Answers--but don't think it will be believed.

  6. I'm going to my mates house :)

  7. i lied when i told the prosecution how much i'd had to drink.  

  8. yesterday i told my friend she had lost weight (wen she asked me) and i dnt realy think she has! But it was a nice white lie! yer she belived me!

  9. About half an hour ago when some one aked me how I was feeling and I said fine!

  10. I lied to a friend & said I was busy because I was too tired to go out today :)

    I think she believed me...although I'm not too sure.  

  11. !0 minutes ago. I told my foreman I'd had quite a hard day and only just got in, When in fact today was a doddle and I've been home for over an hour.

  12. Ten minutes ago, I was in my room when Mum asked if I was ok because she heard me moaning!!!!!!!

    I replied "yes Mum, just practising for the school play".

    She believed me

  13. People kind of believe my lies.  I tell them every day at work:

    Ladies and gentlemen, would you please take yours seats, this evening's performance will begin in three minutes.  Thank you.

    I usually do this call to the audience five minutes before the show is due to begin and in reality, the show doesn't start for another couple of minutes after that.

  14. Hmmmm. Yeah I don't lie much (I'm a little angel) x x x

  15. Earlier I was invited out for the afternoon but I texted to say I was going shopping with my grandmother. I didn't fancy going out.

  16. I dont tell lies ! Whoops there I go again !

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