
What and who are the Black Irish?

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What and who are the Black Irish?




  1. (1) It refers to a mixture of Irish and Spanish blood dating from the time of the Spanish Armada, when many shipwrecked Spanish sailors were washed up on the Irish coastline and wound up staying.

    (2) It refers to a mixture of Irish and eastern European blood.

    (3) It refers to a mixture of Irish and Italian blood from the time of the Roman Empire.

  2. An Irish married to anyone other than an irish

  3. Is it the same thing as the Black Dutch?

  4. Xavier, is correct, because the offspring of these"mixed" unions tended not to have the lily white skin normally associated with "pure" Irish, and also unlike the lily white Irish they tend to tan much more easily and also much darker.

  5. Any Irish who married into a black family

  6. descendants of spainards that landed in ireland during a war between england and spain and then assimilated themselves into the irish culture

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