
What animal did you have as your first pet

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What animal did you have as your first pet




  1. A cat called molly  

  2. As a very small child my family had a dog. The second dog died when I was 4 and I can remember it, just. When I was 5 we got a cat and either with my parents or living alone, I have had cats most of the time since. The longest lived pet was a cat called Georgia, born in 1982 and died in 2001.

  3. 3 fish.  

  4. Not to sure.

    I had a rabbit, and 2 kitties. But can't remember what came first.


  5. i had a dog as mine. He was called Woody but we have had many animals before him but he was my first ever animal all mine.

  6. My parents had a dog already when I was born, but she wasn't really MY pet.

    The first pet I had was a siamese cat that we got when I was 3. The earliest memory of my life is the memory of us buying her from the story (it was a big deal to me at the time).

    She was on sale, lol :]

    We had to put her down a little over 3 years ago, but she had lived to 19 which is a pretty good age. She may be gone now but the scars from the many scratches and bites will stay with me forever :P

  7. I got a dog and a horse for my birthday!

  8. A little white puppy

  9. a rat named spike.i was only 7 and he lived 4 yrs

  10. Two Russian Hamsters, Jo and Sam (so called because I was never sure if they were male or female!)

  11. a cat named waffles :]

  12. A dwarf lop-eared rabbit doe who was very sweet and i still have to this day! =]

  13. i had a cat

    matti had a dog

  14. a budgie... he was called cookie afte the cookie monster...

    my dad was in the RAF in germany so we had to watch alot of american programs

  15. pet rock named fernando he was very obedient didn't make a mess and could travel long distances... i miss him

  16. I had a rabbit called buzz. We tried to train him to be a house rabbit but every time he moved he would leave a present in the form of a nice green pellet. He didn't pee anywhere tho, bless him.  

  17. a cat i got her for my 3rd b'day

  18. Perdy, Sophie, Ginger and Katie the cats, never been without a cat since x x  

  19. I had 4 guinea pigs :)

  20. the first pet i remember was a little black cat called smudge :)

  21. A dog called Sprowie, She was 2 months younger than me and she died aged 16. I had a pet mouse when I was 6 mindy and my sister had 1 called mork even though they were both female lol.

  22. the very first animal i ever remembered as my pet is a dog.i've had one since i was a little kid.

    to be honest,i cannot really remember the name of that dog.but i know he's been dear to me and like my best friend back then when my classmates and friends are mad at me.

    i miss him so much.he died out of sickness before we could take it to the vet.

    R.I.P:nameless,loyal dog.


  23. 2 dobermanns

  24. hamster called cindy  

  25. Cat. She was so cute!

  26. A rabbit and my brother had a hamster.

  27. A koala! Shary-May

  28. Fish..

    Salt & pepper lol

  29. my parents had a cat called Holly when i was little.

    when I moved in to my first own house I got a cat called Jellybean who I love very much!

  30. Baby Turtles :)

    from france xD

    they were so quick, one minute one was next to me, and the next he was in my! LOL

    I named them Titchy (because it was unusually smaller than the other) and maze (because his shell actually looked like a maze)



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