
What animal has the loudest scream?

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or screech?




  1. Barking Owl

    Most people hear the Barking Owl rather than see it as it has an explosive voice unlike many other Australian owl species. It has a double dog bark and various growls that so closely mimic the real thing it is nearly impossible to tell the difference. It has so been named because of these noises. Barking and growling is more common than the screaming of the barking owl.

    The screaming of the Barking Owl is said to be the loudest

  2. Actually, we're not sure any more, but it is either the giant sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) or one of the Balenidae, which include blues, humpbacks, finbacks and Bride's whales.  All of them can yell loudly enough to be heard around the world, and since sound travels 4-1/3 times faster through water than through air, it takes a little over 4 hours for their messages to reach every part of any deep ocean.  The cetaceans have probably had global communication capabilities for tens of millions of years.  

    Being near a jet plane taking off will produce about 100 decibels (db.), 120 db. is the pain threshhold and 140 db. is sufficient to kill, but these whales make noises approaching 170 db., so loud we don't understand how any living creature can make that much noise and survive.  If you were in the deep ocean half a mile away from a screaming whale, the sound alone would pull every hair out of your body at once while breaking all of your large bones and most of your small ones.  

    Air can't even physically carry that much sound, and even in the water, the whale screems are so loud that, if one tried to make them any louder, the added energy would go directly to heat.

  3. The howler monkey's cry, which sounds like a whoop, can be heard for up to three miles away and is considered the world's loudest land animal. This cry is made possible by the animal's enlarged basihyal or hyoid bone.  

  4. That depends on how you define scream and is very subjective.

    Measured by db: blue whale then howler monkey

    Measured by the distance it travels: may be elephants on land and whales in water.

    Measured by effect: Pistol Crab

  5. my sister shes screams loud at me i like go deaf afterward and yes to me she is a different animal some other species

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