
What animal is responsible for most human deaths?

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Aside from other humans and insects,

what animal is responsible for most human deaths per year?




  1. I would agree with the dog, many maulings per year in Us alone.

    It probably depends on where you are.

    Hippos in Africa kill many people but I am sure there are dog maulings there too.

    In South and Central America dogs with rabies kill hundreds.

    In India tigers use to kill thousands.

    Dogs are everywere.

  2. for me,it's the jellyfish.hundreds of people unsuspectingly die because of small poisonous jellyfishes lurking round the bay at times.they can kill as fast as 1 hour once they sting.creepy....

    but sometimes,it may be the elephant.they trample people to death every year and crush their bones to death.creepy again...

  3. The hippopotamus is the deadliest to humans. This article by Allan Taylor


    states, "More people are killed by the hippopotamus than any other wild animal, either by being trampled to death or having their boat capsized."

  4. Insects are responsible for most human deaths.

    But Ive also heard (suprisingly) hippo's and deer.

  5. Box Jelly fish or maybe the blue ringed octopus.  People are highly allegeric to these and some have deadly venom.  I was going to say bee stings but you didnt want insects.

  6. swine

    Any decent sized single pig or a group of smaller pigs, domestic or wild, can kill a person.

    They are very powerful and nearly fearless in certain situations. I once watched in horror as a neighbor's dog was ripped to shreds in seconds when it attempted to snatch a piglet from the hog pasture. It gave me a healthy appreciation of the animals' dangerous nature.

    They are omnivores and hang out in decent sized groups. They hunt together as well as dogs or other pack animals. Every pig pitches in in a fight.

    Edit - Pigs attack in several ways - they charge and slap their heads into the victim slicing it with their protruding tusks and/or cause a great deal of blunt trauma. They have powerful muscular necks and fight each other that way. They sometimes attack other things with by biting into them, often pinning the animal with a hoof or two front hooves and biting in with the front teeth. Another thing they do is get a protruding body part (ear, foot, etc) in their mouths and bite down, sometimes shearing it off with the immense bite pressure of their side teeth.


    You'r probably not going to see a horror movie about it, but more people are killed by pigs than sharks every year.

  7. hundreds of people are die per year because of  the animal rhinoceros

  8. i think sharks :P

    so many people gets killed by them every year ?


  9. That would be the domestic dog.

  10. why exclude insects?

    the worm responsible for malaria.. the flatworms of the genus Plasmodia

    so you're interested in mauling? creep..

    worms are not insects...

    definition of an insect:

    An arthropod in the class Insecta, characterized by six legs, up to four wings, and a chitinous exoskeleton;

    worms fall under the phyllum Annelida, Platyhelmethys, or Nematoda

    if he included insects the mosquito would be in 2nd place as the deadliest indirect killer... behind the plasmodia worm as the deadliest direct killer

    parasitism isn't a disease...

    so an animal killing you from the inside out is different than from the outside because...?

    if you want to be as nitty gritty as you seem to want to be.. the answer is dogs.. more people are killed in dog attacks yearly than all snakes, sharks, hippos, lions, bears, etc...

    that was a joke.. but satire doesn't carry over very well through text...

    "I'm interested in hearing about directly killing/mauling."

    taken out of context.. you would very easily be considered a creep..

  11. Among indirect killers, the mosquito, which kills around 5 million people a year.

    For direct killers, humans probably kill around 2 million people a year.

  12. Hippos.


    Hippos are the most feared animals in southern Africa. Each year more people are killed by them than by all the other animals together."

  13. Hey, guy who had the first answer.

    Worms are insects?

    (Not trying to be a s*****k.  I really didn't think they were)

  14. I'd say humans kill the most humans.(Not by mauling of course, but by gunshots and etc.

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