
What animal is this I am seeing!?

by  |  earlier

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I've noticed an animal around my yard that seems to look like a giant hedgehog. It is between 1.5 and 2 feet long and between 6 and 9 inches tall. It has a pointed face but its ears are on the side of its head unlike a raccoon. It also has a 5 to 7 inches long bushy tail. All over it is generally an off brown or gray color. Please help me.




  1. Maybe its a possum.

  2. probley a badger,

  3. It could be a badger.Whatever you do don't poke it with a spoon.

  4. could be a woodchuck (AKA groundhog or eastern marmot)

  5. Hmm... -You hadn't heard anything about d**k Cheney passing through You neighborhood by any chance, -had You ?!  :0

  6. try this.

  7. can you send some of the pictures??? those would help a lot.

  8. North American Porcupine or Erethizon dorsatum

  9. Its a chubracaba.  They recently been photographed by Texas Sher riff Dept. and ar appearing in the open more often.

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