
What animal(s) are you scared of?

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Rats scare me, even if it doesn't make sence, they still scare me.




  1. Im pretty fearless. If im put in a dangerous situation I might be scared and Im not scared of spiders but whenever theyre near me I tend to just move away. Its their size that intiminates me..funny right!? hahah

  2. SNAKES!!!!!!

  3. rattlesnakes, although it would be pretty trippy if i could just wiggle around and people would know i was angry and leeeave. hahaha.

  4. no animal in my opinion is scary they are more scared of us then we are of them. i dont blame then were the ones killing them, for fur food ect!

    the only animal that might scre me is a human because we think were better then everything else which were not.

    go veg:)

  5. Rattlesnakes, for good reason.

  6. I'm scared of cows!! They chased me once! I wont ever go into a field with them in again!

    And horses,(especially ones with police on their backs!)because they are so big and powerful, shetland ponies and donkeys I am ok with! :)

  7. A number of human beings.

  8. only bugs. i love all the rest. <3

  9. I'm not scared of any animals...Not that come to mind at the moment.

  10. I love every single animal on this planet but if I were face to face with a bear or lion, I would be terrified. The only living creature on this earth that scares me are cockroaches. God, they're nasty.

    But other than that, I love everything

  11. spiders scare the c**p out of me!! they're so sneaky!!  i don't like thing that creep up on me, lol.

    really insects are the only things that bother me....i can't think of an actual animal that i don't like.  =)

  12. I can handle anything- and have encountered quite a few scary animals, but Bats FREAK me out. I was in Austin once when at dusk millions of them come flying out from under the bridge and ever since I just lose it if I see one. One came in my cabin once and was swooping around and I had to get in the lower bunk with a cover over me while my friend chased it out with a tiki torch. Yikes, Bats- but I can deal with the mice, snakes, rats, bear, bobcats.... just no bats

  13. i love animals even the gross ugly ones lol. but anything big and anything that can and will eat me scares me

  14. Humans and sharks. Both kill with ease and no guilt.

  15. snakes and cockroaches

    cockroaches are maybe  revolting rather than scary.

    and a big spider loose in the car whilst traveling in heavy traffic .yes ,it happened .

  16. mothers-in law

  17. Spiders  & sharks (particularly great whites - I guess I watched Jaws when I was a bit too young!)

  18. I agree with u, even i'm scared of rats. Once my sister had setup a rattrap in the kitchen, and finally caught it. Just seeing its tail made me feel nauseous. I used to be scared of cockroaches also, but there are just too many cockroaches here in India, so i finally conquered my fear.

  19. Rats are creepy.  I also get freaked out by birds and do not like fish.

  20. Same here! What creeps me out the most is their tales, teeth, and those feet. Ewwwww! But I'm sure they can be very affectionate animals at sometimes, a lot of people love rats. Spiders also, there has been so many times when I've woken up and a spider is right in front of my face. I get goosebumps thinking about it.

  21. omg i am well scared of sharks sometimes i cant even get in the sea because im too scared!!

  22. I am most afraid of humans.  They are capable of causing the most damage.  Most other animals kill to eat or defend themselves.  

    We kill for pleasure and for sport.  We hurt other people and animals on purpose and think it's fine.

    That's why I decided to go vegan.  I want to cause less suffering and do less damage.  With all the horrible stuff that goes on in this world some people have to take a stand and some people have to try to improve the way things work.

    I also scream bloody murder if there is a spider near me or in my house.  My husband picks them up and puts them outside while I scream like a big weirdo.  I get itchy and uncomfortable even talking about this right now:)

  23. Me too, I am deathly scared of rats. Even thinking of them crawls my skin.  i saw one in our backyard onceand did not go ourside for days.  I am also afraid of monkeys.

  24. Chickens. I don't know why, but they just creep me out.

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