
What animals does this?

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Is there any type of animal that lives in boiling temperatures where they have to reduce their body temperature, e.g. like an exothermic reaction?




  1. Some breeds of cattle.  

    In recent times considerable numbers of Bos taurus dairy cattle have been introduced into many countries in the Near East where the prevailing species is Bos indicus. Since the climate in this region differs markedly from that in the natural habitat of the European breeds, the question has frequently been raised as to whether climatic factors have been responsible for the often disappointing results obtained from Bos taurus cattle.

    Body heat in cattle is largely the product of the exothermic physical and chemical reactions within the animal and the absorption of heat by radiation and conduction from the environment. The dissipation of body heat is achieved by radiation, conduction and evaporation of moisture. Other minor methods of acquiring and dissipating heat are the voidance of faces and urine, raising ingesta to body temperature, and endothermic reactions.

    Animals that are exothermic can be ectothermic at the same time. Ectothermic animals are exotherms that keep their bodytemperature fairly constant by basking, shivering, or moving to a place where the ambient temperature is close to the temperature they wish their body to have. The proper term for cold-blooded is exothermic though (physiological state), not ectothermic (which refers to behaviour)!

    Most exothermix animals are ones that hibernate, including frogs, turtles, a salamander, and a snake.


    How do these animals remaining in the cold Arctic know when it is time to hibernate or to go to sleep? When the daylight hours decrease and food becomes too sparse to justify the use of stored energy, the animal makes a conscious decision to bunk down and either hibernate (if they are an exothermic) or sleep (if they are endothermic). These animals of the north do not generally resume activities until the daylight hours and the temperatures increase.

  2. The only thing that I can think of that can live in boiling temperatures are Microbes, they can also live in temperatures of -20 degrees celsius.

  3. I don't think so....

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