
What animals lay soft eggs?

by  |  earlier

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I found an egg in the ground by my house and i tried squishing it but when I did the egg was soft. Does anybody think it may be a snake or what?!?!?! Pleeezz help me!!!




  1. reptiles lay soft eggs so it may well be a snake

    birds eggs are hard so it isnt a bird egg

  2. Hello

    well idk, but for a lil progect you can put an egg in vinagar and leave it for 3 days, take it out and it will be as soft as a bouncy ball,

    ps, DONT BOUNCE :O)

  3. It's most likely a reptile egg.

    PS don't touch it or turn it over, ya dont wanna kill'em.

  4. snakes!

  5. Platypus.

  6. Snakes.


  7. idk birds and yeah the vinager thing works to thats like somthing they use in school i think. lol

    idk about the platupus but why suck a WIERD  Q.S    ???????

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