
What animals (not fish) can i put in my tropical fish tank with fish

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not frogs or snails either




  1. Um that pretty much covers it... Unless you want to put a turtle in there. But, then you would have to built up an area that he can get out of the water... but then again it might eat your fish. Bummer huh...

  2. Shrimp, & fresh water clams are the only other ones that come to mind.

  3. blue lobster/crayfish they are cool but are like $50

  4. Shrimps, Axolotls, newts etc...

  5. if it's fresh water it will be hard to find anything at pet stores.. If you have a local tank (fish that are naturally local to you), I think crayfish are pretty cool to watch crawl around at the bottom, they fight eachother and junk.. they are easy to take care of, and easy to catch.

  6. turtles, lizzard

  7. sea horses



  8. I read that you wrote no frogs or snails, but I do have an amusing story to share with you, if you don't mind. Small frogs- my favorite addition to a fish tank. But be careful; they have a tendency to escape... ;) When I was a kid, I had one, and let's just say that it went missing for a couple of days. We searched and searched and couldn't find it. Finally, we found it, dried up and dead in my father's slipper! Sneaky little hopper!

    Anyway, I'm assuming that you already have a pleco (algae eater) already? Those are pretty cool, and not your typical "fish". Careful, though, they can get big.

  9. They have these small lobster like animals I've seen.  I think that they help keep the tank clean too.

  10. shrimp, and crabs are my favorite things to put in a tank,

    you can get cheap crabs and shrimp too - ghost shrimp like 30 cents each, and fiddler crabs for $3 (fiddler crabs like to go above water sometimes) best thing is there both freshwater

  11. That's a bit picky... Shrimp, algae, plants, tadpoles? You could put ANYTHING in your aquarium but it may not survive. Don't put cats, mice, dogs, birds or guinea pigs in. Why don't you want fish?

  12. crabs frogs

  13. lobsters, not the one we eat, shrimp

  14. How big is the fish tank? I have a huge turtle and looks great but u have to make sure it won't eat ur fish if u decide to get it

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