
What anime is better death note or naruto ?

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  1. i would choose naruto.

  2. both are awesome anime but Naruto is way better

  3. Death Note. I love it. It deals with something serious like death and makes people who read or watch it really think. Plus, sometimes it is funny and shows a balance.

  4. well, i would say because of the fact that death note makes a lot of  moves using thier minds and challenging eachother with brains more than brawn, which naruto is know for. sometimes naruto has it's good fights using skill and intelligence. but those battles make you bored, and tired. deathnote however made the show interesting by making a single boy keep a book that caused the death of up to thousands of people, that was also being searched for by the police's best forces, were hindered and fooled for up to three years. deathnote rocks.

  5. I Think both of them are good but naruto is better :) hope i helped  

  6. I really honest to god hate both animes into the ground, but out of those two i'd say that death note is much much better it's not a child oriented story and has a fairly decent story line.

  7. Heh, Death Note owns Naruto easily, no contest.

  8. Naruto

  9. Niether. I'd rather watch something thats underground and relative unknown than something that every other anime watcher watches.

  10. I think death note  is better because more drama and cool and more concentrated on the story rather goofing off like in naruto

  11. I started to like Naruto back when it was fairly new to Japan so I was pretty young. Death Note I watched just a few months before it came to America. When I was younger Naruto was a better anime however when I started looking for animes that more about more than finding inner strength and importance of friendship. (no doubt good lessons for children) Death Note rose up questions of morality that I still don't feel comfortable with my answers. So it just kind of depends on your age for which is better. Currently I would rather watch an Episode of shippuden as opposed to another Death Note but that's just because i'm going through a stage where I really wanna go back to innocence in anime.

  12. Elfen Lied!

    w00t w00t



    >> Lol I totally forgot the Death Note and Naruto thing, anyways, Death Note is better, but I love Naruto more

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