
What annoying thing does your cat do that bothers you?

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My cat stands on her back paws and pulls my glasses and watch off of my night table in the middle of the night to let me know her food dish is almost empty.




  1. My stinky baby wakes me up every night around 3am. She's relentless and will walk behind my head on my pillow and bite my hair and paw my scalp with her claws if I don't wake up! But she's fricking adorable in every other way. :-)

  2. one of our two cats will jump on the bed in the morning, sit right by our faces

    and usually she meows or rubs her face on our face until we get up

    if she does decide to be quite, she sits there and stares

    we've both woken up to see her eyes 4 inches from ours

    then, when one side of the bed is free, she lays down and sleeps until the other one of us is up.

    not so bad on the week days, but when it's a saturday at 7:00 and I'm awake because of the cat.....oye

  3. My cats a tomcat so he has a avery distinctive meow/yowl. When he wants to go out in the garden her will standby my bed any time of the night he feels like and yowl at me!

  4. I have two cats, the one likes to play in the early hours of the morning making it hard to sleep as he's not quiet.

    My other cant will pee on the couch or the bed if she feels her litter box is not clean to her standards, cat pee is no joke to get out of fabric.

  5. My cat chews on my Xbox 360 cords when she feels she hasn't had enough attention. I try to explain to her that I can play Halo3 and pet her at the same time, but she just doesn't believe me.

    My other cat is afraid of everything, and I mean everything. You should see her trying to get into her litter pan, she's afraid of the turds. She's afraid of her food, her bed, her toys so finding her can sometimes be a chore.

  6. My cats pile onto me when I'm sleeping at night and I wake up pinned to the bed and sweating my butt of, but they are so cute I can't bring myself to move... so I just lay there tortured amidst all the purring.

  7. Our older cat used to try to wake me up in the night, but as long as I am completely covered up (especially my hands) he leaves me alone.  But he does still try to get through the blinds to the window if they are down, especially in the middle of the night (annoying!), and if the living room blinds aren't up high enough he'll mess with those too!

    The younger cat is a fluff brain and does too many annoying things to list here...  But he can be very lovable too.

  8. Nothing!!  We call Dallas - King Cat and he does no wrong LOL.. but I am sure the dogs think other wise!

  9. My cat CHEWS every freaking box he sees when hes hungry. Most annyoing thing ever. And the boxes he chews, have glass bottles in them and it's soo annyoing when they all cling. Plus, half the box is gone. lol

  10. I sometimes open my eyes in the middel of the night, and find my cat stairing at me :s

  11. Every morning at 5:30am she wonders into my room, jumps on my pillow and yowls REALLY loudly in my ear, to let me know that she wants her breakfast. She doesn't get it though, I usually cuss at her for waking me up and roll over. She's 18 so even if we do feed her, she forgets she's been fed, so she'll moan again. Drives me crazy!! So she just has to get used to it...  

  12. It breathes. The cat is my husbands cat who was around long before I was so she is very possessive. She is like 16 years old and mean!! She constantly hisses at our 3 year old.

  13. I had a cat about a year ago and  she farted like all the time ! ; D

    It smelled awfull lol  =  ]

    x Arianna x

  14. I  found a cat on my enclosed back porch who had just given birth to 4 kittens.  Managed to  find good homes for 2 of them.  The twins i couldn't bring myself to separate. Long story short - i now own 3 cats!  I never was a cat owner opting for dogs in which at the time i had 3 of them.  No problem with dog & cat issues but i feel the cat mother could use some therapy. (lol).  She was a good mama at first - she fed & protected them but when they were  up and about she can't stand the sight of them.  

    I live on a main street so they are strictly indoor cats.  The mother cat hisses when she sees them & actually attacks them for no apparent reason.  It's like a zoo in here 24/7. Seems to worsen when i give her one on one attention.  She automatically runs  and pounces on her kids.  Don't know what's up with that but is very nerve racking with all this chaos and drama!  Seems there is a conspiracy going on - whenever i go out the cats drag everything off the tables then the dogs chew it up.

  15. Keeps on knocking down things..and jumps on me in the middle of the night out of no where  

  16. well, my cat smokey, he'll walk up to the water bowl and splash the water with his paw, so it make a big mess on the floor

  17. my kitten licks my face and gets really excited as I'm going to sleep!  But if I put the covers over all of me except my face he sometimes jumps on my face unexpectingly!  He's a good cat though :)

  18. Whenever I try to read something, he always lays on top of it.  I can never lay something down to read it, I have to hold it up.  So annoying!

  19. Stands on the back of the sofa when im sat down and pulls my hair bobbles out

    He miaows all the time even when he needs nothing

    He squirms sometimes when i try to hold him for a while - i love him and just wanna giv him big cuddles

    He has a million cat toys but plays with empty crisp bags and loo roll tubes

    He scales my leg when im feeding him

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