
What annoys you most about the world today?

by  |  earlier

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  1. How some people just use others for what they want, and then backstab them later.  

  2. People.

  3. racists, patriots and nationalists are the most annoying people i know

  4. Here in the US it is absolutely how litigious our society has become.

    The celebrity worship royally pisses me off as well.

  5. That we are being manipulated by politicians and the very filthy greedy rich corporations that support them and most people don't have the common sense to see it.  

  6. people & rap

  7. All these annoying teenagers &their extremely stupid &senseless judgment. I hate being stereotyped with them.

  8. racism and gangs

  9. no more stimulus checks given outs

  10. road rage and racist comments on youtube

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