
What annoys you most when you listen to the radio?

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I hate it when the DJ always has an opinion on whatever song is on!!




  1. i hate when they overplay songs too muchh

  2. Arroganr dj's who feel they have to shout to get themselves heard...ggggrrr

  3. For me it's more of stations that play the same songs that we got tired of 10 years ago... I want to hear new rock..sorry

  4. Those all suck.  I particularly hate how limited song selection is!  

    For a station that is the opposite of your complaints check out  It has a live stream available worldwide.  No commercials (occassional community service announcements), DJ tells you name of EVERY song, No song played more than once a day, Vinyls are played!, Every format during the weekly schedule.  Check it out!

  5. All of the above!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. When they start talking about Britney Spears!!!!! And also his opinons! and then all they advertisment commercials!!!!!!!!!!

  7. DJ's who should retire yet are still on the air in their late 50's talkin' 'bout the strip clubs they went to last nite while I wait and wait for them to shut up and play Pantera.

  8. The advertisements for god knows what some of them are really stupid and insane

  9. When the DJ talks more about.

  10. Yeah, I agree.

    The presenters usually ruin it. Especially when they decide to air their views OVER the song!

  11. agree with he commercials

  12. yes...

    i also hate when there is a DJ that judges people

    that call in

    oh and also singing along with the song on air

    that annoyes me so much!!

  13. static is the worst

  14. Cutting the songs off just before the end

  15. after 30 minuits the play the same song over. you get burned out on a song real quick

  16. I hate those ads. Especially the Mocca and Nissan ones, where they have some guy squawking into the mic and acting dumb.

  17. Some of the commercials could be better.

  18. other people talking!

  19. When the DJ thinks that his jokes are hilarious but they are really just stupid.

  20. playing the same songs every day.

  21. callers & hosts comments!!!

  22. Nothing, I listen to satellite radio. No commercials, DJs keep it short for the most part, and you have so many choices. Its a bargain too.

  23. ALL THE ADS! and when you hear sirens when driving and you think some cop is gunna get ya.


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