
What annoys you the most about...ARGUING??

by  |  earlier

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the little things that snowball into something big

the yelling screaming and name calling

the other person knowing they are wrong but will not admit it

getting the cold shoulder / silent treatment

going to sleep angry


nothing at all, i like a good throw down




  1. Proving the other person wrong & still no " sorry ".

    One thing I've learnt, never go to bed on an argument, be the bigger person, no matter how hurt you feel, kiss & make up.

    Good Luck.X :-)

  2. definitely the little things that snowball.  I feel like if they were dealt with when they were little things, they wouldn't be as hard to deal with!  LOL

  3. I hate :

    the yelling, screaming and name calling.

    I'm kinda from the type:

    that knows they are wrong but will not admit it

    lmao :-D

  4. the other person knowing they are wrong but will not admit it

    My husband and I may occasionally yell, but we never name call. And we never go to sleep angry. To many couple have gone to sleep and one not wake up. We're young, but you don't have to be old to die and if I went to sleep angry at my husband and he never woke up (I pray this never happens) I could never forgive myself.  

  5. the other person knowing they are wrong, and will not admit it or even try to defuse the situation.  

  6. Probably how exhausted it makes me feel. I'm good with countering, but boy, does it wear me out and I'm normally a positive person. Also, the way it takes them forever to shut up!

  7. The fact of arguing..compromises always works best before it gets really bad as you mention..

  8. Not being able to get the last word so it drags on and on

  9. The little things that snowball into something big. How stupid to make it bigger than it already is (which is well little!)

    But I do like to fight. I love arguing =] Only when nessacary.

    I am sometimes the type. that is wrong and won't admit it. But I hate when other people are doing it when I'm not. It's soo annoying

  10. That they would waste my time even trying to argue knowing I am always right.   That's what annoys me most!

  11. a little snowball rolling down a snowy hill and getting bigger and bigger. First of all I hate arguing and I try to stay away from as many as possible, but often than not I have to put in a word or two, but I hate it.

  12. When people argue about the stupidest things, that really annoys me.

  13. 1) the little things snowballing 2) the yelling and name calling. Those cause damage that is hard to repair after tempers cool!!!!!

  14. When it goes on way longer than it should have.

  15. Well Tiger, let's break it down - you know the drill by now.

    ** The little things that snowball into something big:

    Well it that is easy to do if communication is limited and you can't actually personally see and talk to the person.

    ** The Yelling Screaming and Name calling;

    It takes 2 to argue - screaming and what not - I try not to even go there - and if you try to argue through email - never works out because words can be mis-interrupted.

    ** The Other Person knowing they are wrong but will not admit it

    Again, takes 2 to argue - sometimes you just have to let it go and let them think they are right.  Life is not about being right or wrong - it is about understanding, caring, compassion and sometimes you just have to let it go.

    ** Getting the Cold Shoulder/Silent Treatment

    Well, I must admit, if I am upset and cannot express myself I "shutdown" - it is a way of protecting myself from the Yelling and Screaming

    ** Going to Sleep Angry:

    The way I handle this if I go to bed upset/angry and wakeup that way then I know I had a valid point at the time of the disagreement - and sometimes I give it two nights rest - and if it still there - then I know I was justified in my feelings.

    ** Nothing at all. I like a good throw down

    Don't do that - that is just plain immature.

    SO THE WINNER IS: The little things that snowball into something big.

    Hugs and LOVE MY TIGER,


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